Home Public Health Syllabus for Public Health Officer-Gandaki Province PSC

Syllabus for Public Health Officer-Gandaki Province PSC

by Public Health Update

Technical content of syllabus

First Paper

  1. Health and Public Health 5%
    1.1. Meaning of health and disease, Factors that influence health, concept of health and disease, Dimension of disease, Measurement of health, disease and well being
    1.2 Public health concept, Historical development and changing concept
  2. Health Planning and Management 20%
    2.1 Approaches, models, methods and practices
    2.2 Need assessment, planning cycle, Planning, monitoring and evaluation
    2.3 Strategic and operational planning
    2.4 Inventory management
    2.5 Drug management
    2.6 Financial management
    2.7 Health economics, Health care financing: Basic concepts and economic evaluation of health care services
    2.8 Health care need assessment
    2.9 Decentralization in health management
    2.10 Quality assurance in health care
  3. General Epidemiology 10%
    3.1 Definition, concepts, approaches, aims, and use of epidemiology
    3.2 Epidemiological methods, Incidence, Prevalence, association and causation, disease prevention and control
    3.3 Epidemiology of communicable and non- communicable diseases
    3.4 Dynamics of disease transmission
    3.5 Investigation of an epidemics
    3.6 Screening of diseases
    3.7 Health indicators
  4. Health Statistics 5%
    4.1 Sources of health information, Health information system
    4.2 Tabulation, graphic and diagrammatic presentation of data
    4.3 Statistical methods; Measures of central tendency, Measures of variability
    4.4 Sampling size, Sampling survey and test of significance, correlation and
  5. Demography 5%
    5.1 Population trends-world and national
    5.2 Measures of population dynamics
    5.3 Factors affecting fertility, mortality and migration
    5.4 Urbanization, Life expectancy
  6. Applied Epidemiology and Disease Control 20%
    6.1 Epidemiology, Prevention and control of communicable diseases including: Measles, Diphtheria, Whooping cough, Acute respiratory tract infection, Rubella, Mumps, Influenza, Tuberculosis, Viral hepatitis, Food poisoning, Typhoid fever, Intestinal worms, Acute diarrhoeal diseases, Filaria, Leishmaniasis, Malaria, Japanese encephalitis, Rabies, Tetanus, Trachoma, Leprosy, STD and HIV/AIDS, COVID-19
    6.2 Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
    6.3 Concept of Control, elimination and eradication of diseases
  7. Food and Nutrition 5%
    7.1 Nutritional profiles
    7.2 Nutritional problems
    7.3 Assessment of nutritional status
    7.4 Food toxication, additives and fortification;
    7.5 Multisectoral nutrition plan and intervention
    8 Environmental Health 5%
    8.1 Management and control of basic and fundamental factors; Water, Air, Lighting, Noise, Housing
    8.2 Solid waste disposal and control – Medical Health Care Waste Management
    8.3 Excreta disposal and control
    8.4 Medical entomology -Mosquito, housefly, sand fly, lice, fleas, bugs etc. control
    8.5 Insecticides safe use and resistance, control of insecticides and pesticides and food safety
    8.5 Rodents control
  8. Occupational Health 5%
    9.1 Occupational environment and safety
    9.2 Occupational hazards
    9.3 Management and prevention of occupational hazards
    9.4 Measures for general health protection of workers
    9.5 Health ergonomics
  9. Health Education and Health Promotion 10%
    10.1 Concept, Objectives and principles and their importance
    10.2 Methods of health education
    10.3 Health education medias and production
    10.4 Behavior change communication (BCC) & Social behavior change communication (SBCC)
    10.5 Community organization and participation
    10.6 Communication and information: concepts and importance
    10.7 School health program: concepts, areas and importance
    10.8 Media management for health promotion and risk communication management
  10. Universal Health Coverage (UHC), Primary Health Care (PHC), Essential Health Care Services (EHCS), Basic Health Service Package, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5%
    11.1 Concept, Components, Status and Prospects
  11. International Health and Global Health 5%
    12.1 External development partners, International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) and their priorities
    12.2 UN agencies: WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, UNAIDS and World Bank
    12.3 Bilateral agencies working in Nepal: USAID, JICA, GTZ, DFID, SDC, CIDA, AUSAID, NORAD, FINIDA, KOIKA

2nd Paper

Section A- 30 Marks

  1. Health & Population Plan and Policies Issues 10%
    1.1 National and Gandaki Province Health and Population Policies
    1.2 Long term Health plans
    1.3 Current National and Gandaki Province Five Year Plan (Health Sector)
  2. Health Issues and Regulations 20%
    4.1 Public Health Service Act, 2075 and Regulation 2077
    4.2 Health Service-related Act and Regulation
    4.3 Financial procedure and financial accountability Act and Regulation (Federal & Gandaki Province)
    4.4 Health Service in Federal context
    4.5 General knowledge of Health Education related universities/colleges/institutions and their programme
    4.6 Professional councils and related Regulations
    4.7 Ethical issues in health
    4.8 Health and human right

    Section B- 30 Marks
  3. Introduction, Objectives, Strategies, Targets and Current Status of National Health programs 30%
    2.1 Family Planning, Safe Motherhood, Immunization Program, Nutrition, Integrated management of Childhood illness (IMCI), Malaria, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Sexually transmitted Infections (STI) and HIV/AIDS
    2.2 National and Gandaki Province health training center: basic, refresher and other continuous medical education programme and continue professional development (CPD) programme
    2.3 National Health Education Information and Communication Center: Critical overview of functions and roles
    2.4 Development of Local/District/Provincial/National Health Profiles
    2.5 Female Community Health Volunteers Programme (FCHV)
    2.6 Primary Health Care Outreach Programme (PHC-ORC)
    2.7 Disaster Management and Early Warning Reporting System (EWARS)
    2.8 Health Sector Reform Program: Strategy and planning programs
    2.9 Health Economics and Financing Unit (HEFU)
    2.10 Integrated Health Information Management System (IHIMS)
    2.11 Logistic Management Information System (LMIS)
    2.12 Human Resource Information Center (HURIC)

    Section C- 20 Marks
    3.Management of Public Health Programme in the Local/District/Provincial/National level 20%
    3.1 Family Planning, Safe Motherhood, Immunization Program, Nutrition, Integrated management of Childhood illness (IMCI), Malaria, Kala-azar, J.E. and other Vector borne diseases, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Sexual transmission diseases (STD) and HIV/AIDS.
    3.2 Training activities in the Local/District/Provincial/National level;
    3.3 Health education, information and communication activities in the Local/District/Provincial/National level
    3.4 Management of Health Camps, Public Health Campaigns and Health screening programme

    Section D- 20 Marks
  4. Management Issues in Nepal Health Services 20%
    5.1 Personnel management: concept, principles, nature
    5.2 Human resource management: concept, functions and different aspects
    5.3 Community organization: Concepts, principles and process
    5.4 Supervision, monitoring and evaluation of health care system: Principles, practice and importance
    5.5 Inter and intra-sectoral coordination in health services
    5.6 Indigenous and traditional health care system including Ayurveda and other system: Concepts, status and their analytical study
    5.7 Analytical study of organizational structure and functions of Federal and Gandaki Province Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) and below structure/units.

Sample questions

  1. Discuss briefly the objectives and strategies of second long term health plan (1997-2017).
  2. Write the objective, strategy, targets and current status of Tuberculosis programme of Nepal.
  3. What is early warning reporting system (EWARS)? Discuss its importance and applications.


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