Home Public Health Process & Timeframe for Health Sector Budget and Programme Formulation in Nepal

Process & Timeframe for Health Sector Budget and Programme Formulation in Nepal

by Public Health Update

Formulation of Budget and Programme

Each level of government and its subordinate offices must formulate a budget and programme for the next year in order to obtain resources.

The budget should be divided under economic expenditure heads, based on the approved “Integrated code for revenue and expenditure for all three tiers of governments”, 2074. The budget and programme proposals shall be based on the objectives and targets of the periodic plan, Medium-term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and the international commitments and annual plans and policies of the GoN.

Budget proposals shall be based on the long-term vision, mission, target and objectives and expected outputs. The budget proposal for the following year should track the progress of current year budget implementation. In formulating the health budget, intensity of disease, priority-based programmes, Basic Health Services, previous-year budget progress, demand from the field office, and local context must be included. Business Plans (BPs) are a helpful tool to ensure realistic budget formulation.

Budget and programme formulation at federal level

The MoHP receives the budget ceiling and budget formulation guidelines from the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and National Planning Commission; the Policy, Planning and Monitoring Division (PPMD) of MoHP sends budget ceilings and budget formulation guidelines to the subordinate departments, central-level offices, national and specialised hospitals and other health entities. The MoHP finalises the budget proposals from subordinate offices through discussion of the rationale of activities with departments. The PPMD enters the activities with their proposed budgets into the Electronic Annual Work Plan and Budget (e-AWPB) and Line Ministries Budget Information System (LMBIS).

The budget proposal of the MoHP is submitted to the MoF and NPC for discussion and finalisation of the ministerial budget. The budget formulation process begins from the third week of Magh each year and is completed in the fourth week of Baisakh.

By constitutional provision, the federal-level budget shall be presented in the joint session of federal parliament on the 15th of Jestha each year. Before presenting the budget estimation to parliament, the Minister of Finance submits next year’s budget policy to the Finance Committee and seeks suggestions. The Finance Minister presents progress on the current year’s budget and the status report of public enterprises along with the budget estimation.

Budget and programme formulation in provinces

At the provincial level, health budget proposals are formulated in accordance with the guidelines by the Health Division of the MoSD and the Budget Ceiling from Policy and Planning Commission and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Planning (MoEAP).

The budget is drawn up taking into account the province periodic plan, project bank, MTEF and the rationale of the new programme. The MoSD shall provide finalised budget proposals for the next FY and forwards, with three-year expenditure projections, to the Province Policy and Planning Commission (PPC) and MoEA. The MoEA finalises the budget of the MoSD, including other ministries, and submits the budget estimation to the province assembly on Asar 1 each year.

Budget and programme formulation at local level:

At the local level, the programme and budget shall be formulated in compliance with the steps and limitations as laid out in the Local-level Programme Formulation Directives, 2075. The local executives shall deliver the budget proposal to the local assembly before Asar 10.

Role of the MoHP in conditional grants to local- and provincial-level budgeting:

At present, the MoHP identifies the activities and budget for the programmes implemented at provincial and local level and makes them available to the Federal MoF. The MoF allocates the budget as discussed with the MoHP as conditional grants to provinces and the local level.

Medium-term Expenditure Framework (MTEF): The MTEF for the health sector for all three tiers of government is prepared in accordance with Clause 17(2) (ka to chha) of the Inter-Governmental Financial Management Transfer Act, 2074, and Schedule 6 of the Local-level Budget Formulation Directives, 2076. The MTEF is prepared with the expected outputs/targets of the programme and the estimated budget for the same. The MTEF includes health sector programmes with detailed activity indicators, targets, and estimated budget for three years, including funding sources and short programme descriptions.

Approval of budget and programme

The federal parliament, provincial assembly and local assembly shall approve the budget. After approval of the budget, a budget authorisation letter shall be issued with detailed activities.

Timeframe for Federal Budget and Programme Formulation

S.NDetails of processResponsibilityTimeframe
1.Preparation of annual programme and budget formulationMinistryMagh 2nd–3rd week
2.Receipt of budget ceiling from NPC and distribution of guidelines on budget formulation along with budget ceilingMinistryMagh 3rd week
3.Review of budget formulation preparations and revision of budget ceiling as neededMinistryFalgun 1st week
4.Entry of proposed budget and programme details in e-AWPBDepartments and centresFalgun 2nd week
5.Discussion of proposed divisional budget in the ministryMinistryFalgun 2nd–3rd week
6.Entry of proposed programme and budget in e-AWPBDepartments and centresFalgun 4th week
7.Verification that the whole budget and programme under the ministry is in line with the budget formulation guidelines, budget ceiling and procurement planMinistryChaitra 1st week
8.Entry of finalised proposed budget and programmes of MoHP in e-AWPB and LMBISDepartments and centresChaitra 2nd–3rd week
9.Migration of proposed budget and programme of LMBIS to NPC and MoFMinistryChaitra 4th week
10.Policy-focused discussion on proposed annual programmes and federal- and local-level budgets in NPCNPCChaitra 4th week
11.Revision of LMBIS in line with the agreed discussion held in NPCDepartments and centresBaisakh 1st week
12.Policy-focused discussion on programmes and budget with MoFMoFBaisakh 2nd–4th week
13.Forwarding of statements of transfer through conditional grants with detailed programmes and activities to MoFMinistryBaisakh 3rd week
14.Entry of agreed proposed programmes and budget with MoF in LMBIS and e-AWPBMinistryBaisakh 4th week
15.Submission of budget estimates to the joint session of federal parliamentMoFJesth 15
16.Revision of LMBIS and e-AWPB in accordance with the approved budget from parliamentMinistryAshad 2nd week
17.Approval of the office-wise allocation in LMBIS from MoFMinistryShrawan 1st week
18.Issue of budget implanting authorisation with details of programmes for each officeMinistryShrawan 1st–2nd week
Timeframe for Federal Budget and Programme Formulation


1.Submission of revenue and expenditure projection for next FY to GoNBy end of Paush
2.Delivery of budget ceilings and guidelines on fiscal transfer from GoN to ProvincesBy end of Falgun
3.Determination of the size of estimation on resources and budget ceilingBy Chaitra 15
4.Delivery of budget ceiling to line ministries/entity I provinceBy Chaitra 20
5.Submission of proposed programmes and budget to PPC and MoEABy Baisakh 10
6.Finalisation of proposed programmes and budgetBy Jestha 15
7.Obtaining approval from PPC on the proposed development programmes/activitiesBy Jestha 25
8.Submission of Province budget to Province assemblyBy Ashad 1
9.Obtaining approval from Province assembly on programmes and budgetBy end of Ashad
10.Publication of the budget and programmes of the following FYAshad 1


1.Submission of revenue projection by Revenue Consultative Committee to local executivesPaush 15
 Submission of revenue and expenditure projection for following FY with data to GoNBy end of Paush
2.Obtaining  budget  ceilings  and  guidelines  on  fiscal  transfer  from GoN/ProvinceBy end of Falgun
3.Allocation to different thematic sectors by end of Chaitra
4.Determination/estimation of resources and budget ceiling by the Budget Ceiling Determining CommitteeBy Baisakh 10
5.Providing budget ceiling to committees and thematic divisionsBy Baisakh 15
6.Prioritising ward-level programme formulationBy Jestha 15
7.Formulation of the integrated proposed budget for the local level for the following FYBy end of Jestha
8.Approval of programmes and budget from the local executiveBy Ashad 5
9.Submission of budget estimation with mid-term expenditure frameworkBy Ashad 10
10.Obtaining  approval  from  local-level  assembly  on  the  budget  and programmes, including MTEFBy end of Ashad
11.Publication of the budget and programmes for the following FYBy Shrawan 15

Source of information: Public Financial Management (PFM) Strategic Framework

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Ministry of Health & Population


  1. Policy, Planning & Monitoring Division
  2. Health Coordination Division 
  3. Quality Assurance & Regulation Division
  4. Population Management Division
  5. Administration Division



  1. Nepal Medical Council
  2. Nepal Nursing Council
  3. Nepal Ayurvedic Medical Council
  4. Nepal Health Professional Council
  5. Nepal Pharmacy Council and
  6. Nepal Health Research Council

Central Hospitals


Vector Borne Disease Research and Training Center (VBDRTC)

Department of Health Services (DoHS)



  • Administration Section
  • Finance Administration Section

Department of Drug Administration (DDA)

  1. Drug Evaluation and Registration Division
  2. Planning, Coordination and Management Division
  3. Inspection, Evaluation and Law Enforcement DivisionNational Medicines Laboratory (NML)
Department of Ayurveda and Alternative Medicine (DoAA)
  1. Herbs, Medicine and Research Division
  2. Ayurveda Medicine Division
  3. Alternative Medicine Division
  4. Administration Section

Provincial Government

Provincial Health System

Ministry of Social Development (MoSD)

  • Hospital Development and Medical Service Division
  • Policy, Law, Standard, Planning and Public Health Division


Local Government
Local Health System
  • Metropolitan Health System (Division/ Section)
  • Sub-Metropolitan Health Section
  • Rural Municipality Health Section
  • Municipality Health Section
  • Primary Hospitals
  • Primary Health Care Center
  • Health Post
  • Urban Health Promotion Center
  • Urban Health Center
  • Community Health Unit
  • Female Community Health Volunteers
  • Expanded Program on Immunization Clinics
  • Primary Health Care Outreach Clinics

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