National Health Training Center (NHTC) was established in 1993 AD under Department of Health Services (DoHS), Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) to coordinate and manage all health training under Ministry of Health (MoHP). NHTC is an apex body, responsible to organize and manage training for different cadres of health service providers.
National Health Training Center is one of the centers of Ministry of Health and Population which is responsible for overseeing all health training activities at the federal, provincial and local level through appropriate and quality training needs assessment, training delivery, monitoring, evaluation, post training follow up and research.
The vision of NHTC is to develop as a National Health Training Academy to Institutionalize Training System Thus the training system which will be sustained and capable of responding to training requirements of all stakeholders being involved in health care delivery system up to the community level.
The National Health Training Centre helps to develop Human Resources to facilitate Health System Planners, Programmangers, Trainers in preparing and implementing their training programs and train service providers for successful implementation.
The overall goal of NHTC is to produce/prepare efficient health service providers by means of training to contribute to deliver quality health care services towards attainment of the highest level of health status.
Objectives & major activities
- To assess training requirements of Health Workers and prepare training plans based on the program’s requirement.
- Plan, implement and train health workers as demanded by programs.
- Design, develop and refine teaching, learning materials to support implementation of training programs.
- Develop/improve capacity of trainers to deliver quality training at central, regional and district level.
- Support provinces and HOs in organizing, implementing and evaluating the training programs.
- Coordinate with all National and International, Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations to avoid duplication of training and improve quality of training.
- Orient newly recruited health workers on health programs.
- Supervise, monitor, follow-up and evaluate training programs.
- Conduct operational studies to improve training efficiency and effectiveness.
- Organize International Training as per need.
- Establish TIMS for the quality recording and reporting systems of all training programs at central, regional, district, and community levels.
- To ensure quality of training programs using different mechanisms in adherence to national standards.
- Assessing, standardizing and accrediting training and training sites.
- Developing and standardizing training packages.
- The institutional capacity development of all training units.
- Conducting pre-service, in-service, orientation, refresher, long-term and short-term trainings as per national requirements.
- Integrating and institutionalizing training.
- Develop links with professional career development organizations.
- Strengthening the Training Information Management System (TIMS)and training rosters.
- Training Material Development Section
- Skill Development Section
- Training Accreditation Section
- Administration Section
Organogram of NHTC

Training Material Development Section
- To help Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) in preparation of national policy, strategies and regulations regarding training material development
- To prepare guidelines, protocols, standards and quality regulations regarding training material development
- To develop learning resource packages or curriculum for health sector’s training or skill development activities
- To facilitate in development of training materials at a national level which needs involvement of federal government
- To update and revise learning resource packages in coordination with different stakeholder
- To revise training materials and curriculum as per need based on monitoring and evaluation
- To provide technical support in development of training packages or curriculum at provincial level
- To develop training packages for professional development of health workers.
Skill Development Section
- To help Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) in preparation of national policy, strategies and regulations regarding skill development
- To prepare guidelines, protocols, standards and quality regulations regarding skill development
- To identify training needs for capacity enhancement of health workers at national level
- To manage and conduct trainings at national level which needs to be conducted by federal government
- To facilitate in conduction of Trainings at national level which needs involvement of federal government
- To coordinate with different stakeholders for conduction of health related trainings
- To provide technical support in conduction of trainings or skill related activities at provincial level
- To facilitate in implementation of distance learning packages by utilizing information technology for capacity enhancement of health workers
- To help in implementation of professional development related activities of health workers at provincial level
- To support in management of training related information.
Training Accreditation and Regulation Section
- To help Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) in preparation of national policy, strategies and regulations regarding training accreditation and regulation
- To prepare guidelines, protocol, standards and quality regulations regarding training accreditation and regulations
- To grant permission and regulate the organization which conduct health related trainings
- To regulate and assure quality of different training packages or curriculum and training or skill development related activities
- To accredit organizations which develop the packages and conduct trainings.
Major Activities
1. Health Training
A. Initial and Basic Training
- Biomedical equipment technician Training (BMET)
B. Upgrading Training
- Sr. ANM
- Sr. AHWs
C. Special Training
- Skilled Birth Attendence
- Advanced Skilled Birth Attendence
- Ultrasonography (USG)
- Medico-Legal
- Non-Scapel Vasectomy
- Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD)
- Minilap
- Implant
- Anaesthesia Assistant Course (AAC)
- Safe Abortion Services
- Mid-Level Practicum (MLP)
- Palliative Care
- Paediatric Nursing Care
D. Other Clinical Training
- Clinical Training Skills (CTS)
- Operation Theatre Technique and Management (OTTM)
- Paediatric Nursing Care
- Infection prevention (IP)
- Mental Health
- CoFP Counseling
- Spinal Injury
- Burn Care
- Primary Trauma Care
E. Health Related Training
- Induction Training (Newly recruited Health Personnel)
- Continue Professional Development (CPD)
- Adolescent and Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH)
- General Training of Trainers (GToT)
F. Refresher Training:
- FCHV Refresher
- SBA Refresher
- CAC Refresher
- GToT Refesher
G. Orientation Programs
- Health Facility Operation and Management Committee (HFOMC)
- Appreciative Inquary (AI)
- Inclusive Governance (IG)
2. Certification
3. Training Need Analysis (TNA)
4. Planning and Implemention of the Training Program
5. Assessment and Accreditation
- Site
- Training
6. Curriculum Development, Review and Revision
7. Co-ordination and Collaboration with concerned Stakeholders
8. Training Policy Formulation, Review and Revision
9. Institutional Capacity Development for all Center and Sites
10. Training Follow-Up Enhancing Program (Training-FEP)
11. Development of the Training Data Bank
12. Research on Health Training Programs
Key Innovation/Initiatives
- NSV blended learning approach
- IUCD blended learning approach
- Follow up Enhancement Program
- Mental Health Training
- Palliative Care Training
- Primary Trauma Management Training
- PPIUCD Training
- POP Package (Competency Based Standardized)
- Trauma Management Trainings
- Revision of NHT strategy (amendments in according to the federal situation)
- Web based access to training related documents (manuals and references, etc)
- Climate change package development
- Medico legal e-learning Training Program
Information was collected from various documents, reports and government publications. For more info please visit official website of NHTC.
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- Department of Health Services (DoHS), Ministry of Health and Population
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- Management Division, Department of Health Services
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- Family Welfare Division (FWD), Department of Health Services
- National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL)
- Province Health Directorate, Ministry of Social Development (MoSD)
- List of Approved Institutional Review Committee (IRC), NHRC
- National Health Training Center (NHTC)
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- The Nursing and Social Security Division (NSSD)
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