Home Health SystemsHealth Organization Profile Organizational Profile: Nepal Public Health Association (NEPHA)

Organizational Profile: Nepal Public Health Association (NEPHA)

by Public Health Update


Nepal Public Health Association (NEPHA) is a non-governmental, non- profit and non-political civil organization of public health professionals in Nepal. NEPHA aims to organize all the public health professionals and to develop their professional abilities for quality and people centered health care services in the country. It will also help the government and non- government organizations through providing input in the process of public health policy and program development, implementation and evaluation to improve health status of people. It envisions to articulate Nepalese aspiration in the arena of health and community development.

Since its establishment in 1990, NEPHA has strived to organize itself and to network among all the public health professionals working throughout the country. NEPHA has more than one thousand active member and working in various agencies throughout the country. Over the period, NEPHA has been involved in providing input to the government and non-government sectors on various events for improving the health care system. NEPHA has also organized various health awareness and advocacy activities, and also conducted health and social research and studies on important public health issues.


  • To organize all the public health professionals working in the country and to remain active and right promotion for their professionalism.
  • To facilitate for development of skills and abilities of the members and thereby make the public health profession effective, dynamic and dignified one in the national and international arena.
  • To provide input, advice and support to the government and non-government organization in the process of public health policy and program development, their implementation, monitoring and evaluation so as to improve the national health care systems .
  • To network with the national and international public health organizations and share resources and experiences for the professional development and well-being.

Major activities

The activities, duties and rights of the organization are as follows:

  • Development of an organizational structure in the national and regional levels and maintenance of network and co- ordination among the public health professional in the country.
  • Identification of the issues related to the public health profession and to take necessary actions to resolve them.
  • Provision of input, advice and suggestion to the government organizations on policy and health care issues for improvement in public health sectors. Coordination with Ministry of Health, Department of Health Services and other sectors for relevant programs and issues.
  • Organization of trainings, workshops, seminars and conferences for the capacity building, promotion, development of the public health professionals and programme.
  • Conduction or facilitation for research/studies on relevant public health issues and publication of regular journal and other materials like book, leaflet, pamphlet to disseminate health information
  • Establishment of a public health library with relevant audio, video and audio-visual aids and other related information.
  • Organizing of different programme through coordination with other organization and community to management and resolve the public health problems
  • Expansion of networks and relationships with national and international public health organizations and sharing of information, experiences and resources for relevant public health programs through coordination and communication process.
  • Preparation of a profile of public health professionals and mobilization of their expertise for the development of these sectors.
  • To provide technical input and advice to the related organization and agencies in the process of public health policy and program development, their implementation, monitoring and evaluation
  • To develop group effort and coordination with other association or professional organization working in health sectors.


Membership is primary to attach our networks and create the possibilities of public health innovation. Any professional having graduate in public health and medical related subject from recognized academic institutions are eligible to be general & life member of the association after paying the necessary subscription according to the statute of NEPHA.

Why become a member (benefits)

There are many benefits to joining the membership of the Nepal Public Health Associations. NEPHA Members enjoy such opportunities as collaborating with a large pool of public health professionals in and out of country include public health meetings, conference, workshop and advocacy activities. Some of these are described more specifically below.

1. Participation

Membership with NEPHA representing the national community of public health having official recognition by Nepal Government and World Federation of Public Health Association (WFPHA).

  • Membership of a national forum for public health
  • Chance of contributing to community people, country and global
  • Involvement in NEPHA surveys, proposal development, projects, training and other activities
  • Participation in and a vote at the annual General Assembly of NEPHA
  • Eligibility to sit on Executive Board, Center, Committees of NEPHA
  • Access to technical resources for organizational and public health programmatic development

2. Networking

  • Exclusive email contact information for NEPHA Members from in and out of Nepal
  • Provide information to and receive the NEPHA Newsletter
  • Publish your generic research articles in JNEPHA
  • Priority participation at NEPHA meetings and workshops
  • Participate in network position of NEPHA through the different committee

3. Advocacy

  • Participation in the formulation of NEPHA position statements, policy formulation
  • Participation in WFPHA technical committee, center
  • Possibility of representing NEPHA at the national and international forum
  • Participation in lobbying, rallies, voice statement, unity and  ensure the collective outcome

Types of memberships

According to statute of NEPHA the individual membership will be provided

a)  General Membership
b)  Life Membership
c)  Honorable Membership (Only provided by AGA with the recommendation of a central executive committee)

How to become a member

An individual could apply for general and life membership according to NEPHA’s Constitution. The individual possible member complete the Membership Application form. Upon completion, this form should be sent to the committee (Central, Provincial or District).

Applying Process for NEPHA Membership

Step 1: Fill online membership form through this link:  Membership Application form

Required Documents:
1.Copy of your citizenship certificate
2. Copy of your academic certificate (BPH/MPH)
3. Recent passport size photo
4. Payment receipt of membership fee

Step 2: Deposit the required membership fee in any one of the  following bank accounts

Agricultural Development Bank Ltd. Account Name :Nepal Public Health Association Account No. : 0210600200287010 Tripureshwor Branch
Nabil Bank Ltd. Account Name: Nepal Public Health Association Account No: 05010017511743 Gwarko Branch

Note: NEPHA will approve your membership request shortly after getting online registration form.

More information:

Nepal Public Health Association, Central Office
Call on:  +977-1-5549509
Email: [email protected] 
[email protected]

More Information: Official website (NEPHA)

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