World Rabies Day! Rabies: Vaccinate to Eliminate!
World Rabies Day is held annually on September 28. The anniversary of the death of Louis Pasteur is celebrated as a World Rabies Day. He developed the first rabies vaccine and laid the foundations of rabies prevention.
World Rabies Day is the first and only global advocacy, education, and awareness campaign for rabies. It has the support of all international health organizations and major stakeholders including the WHO, OIE FAO and CDC.
This year’s theme is Rabies: Vaccinate to Eliminate. It focuses on the foundation of all rabies control efforts.
The theme, can be used to raise awareness at many levels, for example:
- To ensure that dogs are kept vaccinated – as a reminder to dog owners, animal health professionals and local governments
- To help people in need to seek and obtain PEP – through human health professionals and educators
- To commit to the 2030 goal of eliminating rabies deaths – with national governments putting resources into rabies elimination
Key Message
- Over 59,000 people die of rabies every year, worldwide, and millions have to seek life-saving treatment
- Someone dies of rabies every 9 minutes – these deaths can be stopped
- 29 million people seek life-saving treatment to prevent rabies every year Rabies deaths are a direct consequence of poverty and inequality in access to health services
- Many rabies deaths are a result of poverty
- People die of rabies because they cannot get medical help
- Rabies is 100% preventable with current knowledge, technology, and vaccines – improving access to human and dog vaccines will save more lives
- Together we can end human deaths from dog-transmitted rabies by 2030.
- Rabies elimination is possible. Let’s make the possibility a reality by 2030.
- Vaccinate your dog. Protecting dogs against rabies helps protect you and your family too.
- Avoid dog bites: Learn to read a dog’s body language. Don’t tease or attack them.
- Rabies-related deaths are preventable; simple and relatively low-cost tools and strategies for rabies control and prevention exist.
- One Health or holistic rabies programs work and are within reach for even low and middle income countries.

World Rabies Day

World Rabies Day

World Rabies Day
Rabies: Zero by 30, World Rabies Day 2017
World Rabies Day : Educate. Vaccinate. Eliminate