The Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) has endorsed the Syllabus for Licensing Examination of Certificate Level in General Medicine 2021.
- Anatomy and Physiology – 10%
- Community Health: Health education & Health Promotion, Environmental health, PHC and Family Health, Epidemiology and Disease control, Nutrition, Community Diagnosis – Health Management – 25%
- General Medicine: Clinical methods, Systemic diseases, Pediatric and Neonatology, Skin Diseases, Veneral diseases, Psychiatry – 25%
- Pharmacology and pharmacy: Pharmacology, Pharmacy – 10%
- General Surgery: Basic surgery- First aid and emergency care – Obs.& Gyne – Eye,ENT and Oral Health – 25%
- Clinical Pathology: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Parasitology, Hematology – 5%
- Total 100%
- Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction of Anatomy & physiology, structure and function of the Skin and integumentary system, Skeletal system, Muscular system, Nervous system, Somatic and special senses, Endocrine system, Blood, Cardiovascular system, Lymphatic system and immunity, Digestive system, Respiratory system, Urinary system, Male reproductive system, Female reproductive system and Human Growth & Development.
2. Community Health
2.1. Health education and health promotion
Overview of health education, Fundamental Factors of Health Education, Methods of Health Education, Media of Health Education, Planning of Health Education Programmes, Implementation of Health Education Programmes, Evaluation of Health Education Programmes, Health Promotion, Applied Health Education.
2.2. Environmental Health
Water Purification, Waste Management, Food Hygiene, Sanitation of public places, Health Hazards, Sanitary Latrines, Basic Measures in Controlling Rodents, Medical Importance and Measures of Controlling Common Vectors and Insects.
2.3. Primary health care and family Health
Health care of people: Concept of health, determinants of health, indicators of health, Primary Health Care and Health for All, Community participation in PHC, Challenges of PHC in Nepal, Role of Health Post Incharge in PHC, Introduction of family planning, Adolescent Health, Demography, Common Neo-natal Problems,Common Child Health Problems like CDD, ARI, Malaria and Malnutrition.Nutritional Interventions, Immunizations Services. Safe Motherhood. Community Mobilization & Local Governance( Female Community Health volunteers (FCHV) and Mother’s
Groups, Primary Health Care Outreach Clinic, Free Drug Programme (FDP), Mobilization of Local
Health Leaders and Committees, Decentralized Management of Health Services.
2.4. Epidemiology and Disease control
Definition, Scope, Causes of Disease and Infection, Management of Disasters, Management of Epidemics, Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Management, Prevention and Control of Gastroenteritis, Dysentery, Cholera, Typhoid Fever, Giardiasis, Malaria, Filariasis, Encephalitis, Kala-azar, Dengue, Fever, Parasitic Infestation, Scabies, Chicken Pox, Influenza, Mumps, Rabies, Hepatitis, Ring Worm, Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Helmenthiasis, Pertusis, Measles,Diphtheria, HIV and AIDS,
sexually transmitted infection(STI) and COVID.
2.5. Nutrition
Introduction, Proteins, Fats & Carbohydrate, Vitamins, Minerals, Balanced diet, Assessment of nutritional status, Under nutrition, Nutritional problems of public health, Nutrition Factors in Selected Diseases, Nutrition education and food taboos and myths.
2.6. Community diagnosis
Concept of Culture and Health, Introduction to Community Diagnosis, Data collection, Data processing, Community presentation, Micro Health Project.
2.7. Health Management
Community Health Diagnosis & Health Profile, Micro Planning of Health Programme, Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programmes, Health Management Information System (HMIS),Planning and Management of Camps, Cold Chain Management, Health Training Management in different settings, Logistic Management, Organizational Structure and Functions of Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP), Department of Health Service (DoHS), Provincial Health Directorate (PHD),Health Office (HO),Municipality Health section, Primary Health Care Center (PHCC), Health Post (HP) and Basic Health service Centre (BHSC),Nepal Health Professional Council Act, 2053 and Regulation, 2056.
- General Medicine
3.1. Clinical methods
History taking & Physical Examination, Principles and procedures for collecting and interpreting clinical data, Procedure of general physical examination and systemic examinations in regard to all systems, Bedside history and clinical examination practice.
3.2. Systemic diseases
Hematological & Cardiovascular Conditions, Respiratory Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Endocrine System Disorders, Hepatic Disorders, Central Nervous System Disorders,
3.3. Pediatric and Neonatology
Pediatric examination, Neonatal conditions, Neonatal disorders, systemic disorders of children, Infectious diseases-Mumps, diphtheria, whooping cough, rheumatic fever, poliomyelitis, Skin disorders, Helminthes infestations, Nutritional disorders, Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), Infection Prevention, Neonatology,
3.4. Skin Diseases
Introduction to Dermatology, Bacterial Infections of the skin, Fungal infection of the skin, Viral infection of skin, Parasitic infections of the skin, Allergic conditions of the skin, Acne vulgaris,Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Miliaria,
3.5. Veneral diseases
Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, chancroid, Venereal warts, genital herpes, Syndromic case management of STI
3.6. Psychiatry
Mental Health Services in Nepal, Psychiatric assessment, Causes of Mental Illness, Psychosis, Neurosis – anxiety disorders, Neurosis – depressive disorders, Bipolar disorder, Alcohol and drug abuse, Childhood Mental disorders, Psychosexual Disorders, Psychological trauma, Epilepsy, Mental Retardation.
- Pharmacology and pharmacy
4.1. Clinical Pharmacology
Introduction to pharmacology, Locally acting drugs, Anti-cancer and Antimicrobial agents, Drugs used in Common GI problems, Drugs used in common respiratory problems, Rehydration therapy, Vaccines, antisera and immunoglobulins, Vitamins and minerals, NSAIDS, Hormones and related drugs, CNS acting drugs, Drugs used in cardiovascular problems, Diuretics,
4.2. Pharmacy
Pharmaco daynamic and pharmaco kinetic, Rational drug therapy, Inventory management, packing, labelling, dispensing, Preparation of solution, lotion, ointment and suspension (Gentian violet, Mercurochrome, acriflavin, potassium permanganate, Whitfield and sulfur ointment, Lugol’s solution and tincture of iodine and antacid according to accepted formula. - General Surgery
5.1. Basic surgery
Haemorrhage, Management of inflammation, Septicemia, Toxemia, Sinus, fistula, Gangrene, Wound, Tetanus, Acute Pain Abdomen, , Hernia, Anal Fissure, Piles, Acute Retention of Urine, Causes of Frequent Urination and Nocturia, Management of Rupture of Urethra, Haematuria, Phymosis, Paraphymosis, Hydrocele, Head Injury, Clinical features and management of Osteomyelitis, Local Anesthesia, Sterilization of Surgical Instruments.
5.2. First aid and emergency care
Shock, Poisoning, Injuries, Haemorrhage, External bleeding, Thermal and Chemical Burns, Fracture and Dislocation, Frost Bite, Insect bite, Animal bite, Snake bite and Drowning, Abscess and Cellulites.
5.3. Obstetrics and Gynecology
Male and Female reproductive System, mechanism of Menstruation, Conception, Evolution, Vaginal Discharge, Management of Per Vaginal Bleeding, Post-Menopausal Bleeding, Uterine Prolapsed, Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases; causes, Sign, Symptoms and Complication of Ectopic pregnancy, Management of Mastitis. and Breast Abscess, Management of Normal Labor and Early Diagnosis and referral of Complicated Pregnancy, Labor, Puerperium, Safe Abortions, Permanent and Temporary Contraceptives.
5.4. Eye, ENT and Oral Health
General Examination procedures of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Sign and Symptoms and General Managements of Eye Lid complications, Red Eyes, Trachoma, Corneal ulcer, Night Blindness, Cataract, Pterygium, Iridocyclitis,Xeropthalmia,Glaucoma and foreign body in the eyes. Removal of Wax and Foreign Bodies, Sign and Symptoms and Managements of Otitis Media, Otitis Externa and referral conditions of hearing problems, Deviated nasal Septum, Nasal polyps, Epistaxis and Sinusitis, Clinical Features, Complications and management of Acute Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis and Laryngitis, Dental plaques and calculus, Dental Carries, Periodontitis, Periodontal pockets and Abscess, Importance and Maintenance of Oral Hygiene. - Clinical Pathology
6.1. Biochemistry
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Enzymes, Vitamins,
6.2. Microbiology
Introduction to Microbiology, Basic bacteriological investigations, Bacterial growth and sterilization,
6.3. Parasitology
Intestinal Parasites-Ascaris, Hookworm, Trichuris, Enterobius, Taenia, Echinococus, Hymenolepis Entamoeba,Giardia,Trichomouas. Mode of infection, pathogenicity, laboratory diagnosis and prevention of intestinal parasites. Blood and tissue parasites, Defense mechanisms of the body.
6.4. Hematology
Blood and anticoagulants, Blood characteristics, hematological tests, and blood collection techniques, Hormones.
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