Home Global Health News 8th anniversary of the last case of wild poliovirus in WHO SEAR

8th anniversary of the last case of wild poliovirus in WHO SEAR

by Public Health Update
Jan 13 2019, Today is the 8th anniversary of the last case of wild poliovirus in World Health Organization South-East Asia Region. The last case of wild polio was seen in a two-year-old girl in Howrah, West Bengal, India.
An intense response by Government of India, WHO and partners ensured it remained the last case of wild poliovirus in the country and the Region. This paved the way for polio-free certification of WHO South-East Asia Region on 27 March 2014. To ensure the Region stays Polio-free, every year 32 million children in WHO South-East Asia Region get three doses of oral polio vaccine under routine immunization programme. Additionally, India continues to conduct mass polio vaccination campaigns. 460 million doses of oral polio vaccines were given to children in 4 campaigns in 2018. 

Ongoing efforts by member countries of the Region, partners and the people themselves are taking place to ensure all children are protected with polio vaccines.

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Polio Campaign (18 December 2013 )

Supplementary Immunization Activity (SIA) /Sagun Paudel 

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