Paper I General Subject
Part I: Management 50 marks
– 6 × 5 = 30 (Short answer)
– 2 × 10 = 20 (Long answer)
Part II: General Health Issues 50 marks
Full Marks: 100
No. of Questions & Weightage
– 4 × 5 = 20 (Short answer)
– 3 × 10 = 30 (Long answer)
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Paper II: Technical Subject
Full Marks: 100
Time Allowed: 3 hours
No. Questions & Weightage
– 4 × 15 = 60 (Critical Analysis)
– 2 × 20 = 40 (Problem Solving)
Paper I General Subject (Management and General Health Issues)
Part I: Management
- Management: – concept, principles, functions, scope, role, level and skills of managers
- Hospital management
- Health manpower recruitment and development
- Participative management: concept, advantages and disadvantages, techniques of participation
- Time management: concept, advantages, and disadvantages
- Conflict management: concept, approaches to conflict, levels of conflict, causes of conflict and strategies for conflict management
- Stress management: concept, causes and sources of stress, techniques of stress management
- Appreciative inquiry: concept, basic principles and management
- Financial management: concept, approaches, budget formulation and implementation, auditing and topics related to fiscal management
- Human resource management: concept, functions and different aspects
- Planning: concept, principles, nature, types, instrument and steps
- Leadership: concept, functions, leadership styles, leadership and management effectiveness
- Coordination: concept, need, types, techniques, and approaches of effective coordination
- Communication: concept, communication process and barrier to effective communication, techniques for improving communication
Part II: General Health Issues
- Present Constitution of Nepal (health and welfare issues)
- National Health Policy, 2071
- Second long term health plan (1997-2017)
- Health services act 2053, health service regulation, 2055
- Organizational structure of Ministry of Health at National, Regional and District and Below
- International health agencies: role and responsibilities of WHO, UNICEF,
- UNFPA and interagency relationships
- Professional council and related regulations
- Medical ethics in general and its application
- Indigenous and traditional faith healing and health practices
- Supervision, types and its usage in health sector
- Monitoring and evaluation system in health
- Health management information system
- Health insurance and financing in health care
- Effects of environment in public health: air pollution, domestic pollution, noise
- pollution
- Importance of water, sanitation and hygiene in public health
- Effects of disaster in public health: deforestation, landslide, flood, earthquake and fire
- Health volunteers involvement in health service delivery
- Community involvement in health service delivery
- Counseling: – concept, type, importance and its application in health service delivery
Paper II: Technical Subject
A. Introduction to public health medicine
- Epidemiology: Propose of epidemiology, epidemiological methods, measurements of health and disease, source of information, sample and sampling techniques, clinical and field trail techniques, investigation of epidemic- communicable and non-communicable, diseases surveillance, analysis of findings, evaluation of health services.
- Public Health: Introduction to public health, importance and primary health care system in Nepal.
- Immunization: Types of immunity, types of vaccines, national immunization strategies in Nepal, vaccines against diphtheria, polio, tetanus, tuberculosis, measles and hepatitis B. Other vaccines such as typhoid, smallpox, rubella, meningococcal meningitis, mumps, yellow fever, cholera and hepatitis A.
- Epidemiology, prevention and management of communicable diseases: Cholera, brucellosis, enteric fever, sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS, Meningococcal meningitis, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, leprosy, malaria, kalaazar, shigellosis, trachoma, Japanese B encephalitis, food poisoning and scabies.
- Epidemiology of non-communicable disease: Childhood and adult cancer, hypertension, congenital heart diseases, rheumatic heart diseases, ischaemic heart diseases, cerebrovascular accidents, chronic obstructive airways diseases, cirrhosis of liver, diabetes mellitus, gall stone, renal stone, peptic ulcer, dental caries, suicide, homicide, mental retardation, substance abuse, cataract, snake bite, trauma and disability, epilepsy, poisoning including mushroom poisoning, dropsy, lathyrism, high mountain sickness, animals and insect bites, physical and sexual abuse.
- Family planning: Temporary and permanent methods in Nepal, side effects and complications.
- Women health: Reproductive health and life cycle approach, adolescent pregnancy, importance of antenatal examination, postnatal examination, prevention of maternal mortality, menopause, infertility.
- Neonatal and pediatric health: Major neonatal problems and their management, breastfeeding and supplementary feeding, child health in community, well baby clinic, child abuse.
- Adolescent health: Adolescent friendly services and accessibility to health care, prevention of substance abuse.
- Health of the elderly: Major problems in elderly, accessibility to health care.
- Health and nutrition: Concept of nutritional disorders, prevalence of nutritional disorders, prevention and management of macro and micro nutrient disorders, effects of obesity on health.
- School health: Scope of school health, school health service components.
- Environmental health
13.1. Safe drinking water: Water supply, methods of making water safe for drinking.
13.2. Sanitation: Waste disposal including medical waste disposal.
13.3. Food hygiene
13.4. Control of vectors and rodents - Occupational health: Occupational hazards, screening and monitoring, occupational medical service.
- Disaster management: Concept, types prevention and management.
- Aviation and health: Effects of aviation on health
- Bioterrorism: Potential agents and diseases produced and post exposure prophylaxis
B. Health Program Management and population science
1. Family Health
1.1. Family planning
1.2. Safe Motherhood
1.3. Volunteer Mobilization (FCHV)
1.4. PHC outreach clinic
2. Child Health
2.1. Expanded program in Immunization and cold chain maintenance
2.2. Integrated Management of childhood illnesses
2.3. Polio Eradication
2.4. Neonatal Tetanus Elimination
2.5. Nutritional Programs
3. Epidemiology and disease control
3.1. Outbreak response and reporting system
3.2. Vector Borne Diseases
3.2.1. Malaria
3.2.2. Kalazar
3.2.3. Japanese Encephalitis and DF/DHF
3.3. Dog Bite – Rabies
3.4. Snake bite
3.5. Arsenic Poisoning
3.6. Disaster Management
3.7. Non-communicable diseases
3.8. Mental Health
3.9. Drug Addiction
3.10. Prevention of Blindness and Trachoma Prevention Program
3.11. Food Safety
3.12. Research and priority research
3.13. HMIS
3.14. Hospital Management
3.15. Trachoma Eradication
3.16. Water supply and sanitation
3.17. Community based rehabilitation
4. Tuberculosis, Leprosy, HIV/AIDS
4.1. National Tuberculosis, control program and management of tuberculosis cases
4.2. National Leprosy elimination program and management of leprosy cases
4.3. HIV/AIDS program and management of STD and HIV/AIDS.
5. Logistic supply program
5.1. Commodity supply
5.2. Community drug program
6. Health Care Management
6.1. Quality of Health care
6.2. Referral system
6.3. I/NGO activities in Health in Nepal
6.4. Health planning at district
7. Population
7.1. National population policy
7.2. Population information collection methods
7.3. Indicators of morbidity, mortality, fertility and life expectancy
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