Home Fellowships, Studentship & Scholarships OneZoo Centre for Doctoral Training Scholarships 2023-24

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) has been awarded funding as part of the OneZoo CDT to support studentships over the next three years, with planned cohort intakes in the 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26 academic years, with up to four studentships available to start in 2023-24.

The OneZoo CDT offers an unprecedented level of diversity and transdisciplinarity, with award-winning educators and experts in zoonotic diseases and environmental sciences, from Cardiff University, Aberystwyth University, Queen’s University Belfast, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, working collectively, fostering creation of the OneZoo research community, and empowering students to develop their own training to acquire strong employability skills.

More than 60% of current and emerging human infections have a zoonotic origin (i.e. they are transferred between animals and people) and zoonotic pandemics cost the global economy over $60 billion each year. Being able to predict, detect and control zoonoses represents one of the greatest challenges faced by humanity.

Our transdisciplinary OneZoo CDT will equip the next generation of world-leading scientists with the skills and insight necessary to tackle current and future zoonotic threats. To design successful, innovative environmental prevention and control strategies, zoonotic drivers need to be understood through an integrated systems approach. As part of the OneZoo programme you will build an in-depth understanding of the connectivity between key drivers of pathogen host shifts, spillover and onward transmission; exploring pathogen, environmental and human societal processes that can promote zoonotic disease and form the basis of integrated environmental solutions.

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is pleased to invite applications for four projects, based at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

As a OneZoo student you will undertake a 3.5 year systematic programme of training in core transferable and specialist skills, alongside your specific PhD project, that will build an in depth understanding of the key drivers of zoonotic diseases and form the basis for devising holistic solutions.

Award details

The studentship will provide:

  • Tuition fees (at the LSHTM Home fee rate), and
  • A student stipend (at the UKRI studentship rate, which is GBP 19,668.00 in 2022-23), and
  • A Research Training and Support Grant to go towards consumables and training.

for the duration of the award.

Project details

The OneZoo Centre for Doctoral Training invites applications from eligible candidates for PhD studentships in the following 4 projects:Project 1: Using genomics to understand Salmonella transmission from farm-to-fork and the environment in the PhilippinesProject 2: Pathogen pollution in critically endangered vultures in The Gambia, West AfricaProject 3: Snakebite as zoonosis: redefining current approaches to mitigate global snakebite burden in a rapidly changing worldProject 4: Designing agricultural landscapes to limit zoonotic disease risk in The GambiaProject 5: Interactions between landscape level vulnerability and zoonotic outbreak risk at a global scale

For details of other projects available at the OneZoo CDT from other institutions, please see the OneZoo website. Please apply directly to the lead institution only.

Eligibility for funding

Applicants must meet minimum LSHTM entry requirements. Please see the specific project details above for any further requirements.

Some projects may be suitable for part-time study; anyone wishing to undertake part-time study is encouraged to contact the supervisor for more details.

This studentship is open to applicants assessed as both ‘Home’ and ‘Overseas’ fee status.  For further information about Fee Status Assessments please see the School’s Admissions policies.

Successful applicants who are nationals of low income countries and lower middle income countries (LLMICs) may be eligible for an LSHTM bursary to cover the fee top up costs. LLMIC applicants who are short-listed for interview, will be contacted by the LSHTM Scholarships Team at that time to provide further details of the LSHTM bursary scheme as per our UKRI international recruitment statement.  

Successful international applicants who are not from an LLMIC will be required to cover the tuition fee top up costs from other sources (e.g. other scholarship or bursary awards). Awardees may not use their studentship stipend to top up fees. 

How to apply

Step 1: Apply to LSHTM

Information about the MPhil/PhD programme structure at LSHTM, as well as application guidance and a link to the portal, can be found on the School’s Research Degrees and Doctoral College pages.

To apply for this studentship, applicants should submit an application for research degree study via the LSHTM application portal. The applicant should apply via the Faculty of the Primary Supervisor for their proposed project. The Scholarship/Funding section of the research degree application should include ‘2023-24 OneZoo CDT’ to indicate that you are applying for this funding.

Applicants should submit an outline research proposal based on the advertisement for this project alongside the other required documents as detailed on the LSHTM website (https://www.lshtm.ac.uk/study/courses/research-degrees-and-doctoral-college/you-apply-research-degrees).

Incomplete applications will not be considered for this studentship.

Applications for these projects will only be reviewed and processed after the deadline. All applications that are submitted before the deadline will be considered equally, regardless of submission date.  

By submitting an application for this funding applicants agree to its Terms & Conditions.

Step 2: Apply to OneZoo CDT

Complete and collate the documents listed below:

Send all four documents to the OneZoo application address: [email protected]Important: the title of the email sent to OneZoo must include the name of the host institution to which you are applying and surname of the primary supervisor (e.g. “LSHTM_Smith”).

For further details of other projects currently available with the other three universities also  participating the OneZoo Centre for Doctoral Training please see the website: www.onezoo.uk.


Closing date: 01 May 2023 at 23:59 (BST). Interviews will be held at the end of May 2023.

OFFICIAL LINK: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

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