Health Sector Emergency Response Plan, MoHP Nepal
Goal and objectives
This plan intends to prepare and strengthen the health system response that is capable to minimise the adverse impact of COVID-19 pandemic.
- Provide clear policy guidance for timely health system preparedness and readiness to respond to the pandemic.
- Provide a guiding framework for timely, efficient and effective response to the pandemic.
- Provide official guidance to prepare and implement specific interventions applicable at all spheres of governments and level of health care delivery.
- Support policy makers and managers in exploring the options and making the decisions for resource allocation and management.
Strategic approaches and key interventions
Public health and social measures
- Quarantine management
- Community engagement and risk communication
- Case investigation and contact tracing
- Surveillance
- Screening at point of entries (POE)
- Community level screening and testing
- Emergency response teams
- Other socio-administrative measures
Hospital-based interventions
- Hospital care and referral
- Laboratory services and other areas of hospital interventions (Investigations, Infection prevention and control, referral mechanism, accommodation and food, WASH in health facilities, Health care waste management and decontamination, Dead body management, Mental health services and psychosocial counselling)
Safety and security of the frontline Staff
- Ensure adequate availability of personal protective gears as per protocol.
- Security system at each designated hospital will be strengthened with adequate security personnel. Hospitals will regularly coordinate with local administration offices to make necessary arrangements.
- CCITT and any other community mobilization and engagement will be coordinated with the local administration and security system.
- Any stigma and discrimination, violence and any forms of harassment towards health workers engaged in the COVID19 response process will be monitored and state will take necessary measures to avoid them and in case of occurrence necessary legal actions will be taken with ZERO tolerance to violence.
- Based on the need assessment of the individual institutions, necessary arrangements will be made to adopt work from home modality to reduce crowd at the health facilities.
- Mechanism will be established at each health facility to assess health conditions of the staff and risk-risk (or vulnerable group) members will be mobilized to serve secondary functions in the hospitals.
COVID19 Resources: Guidelines and Documents- Ministry of Health and Population
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the Economy
COVID19 Resources: Guidelines and Documents- Ministry of Health and Population
WHO declares novel coronavirus (#COVID19)outbreak a pandemic