Call for expressions of interest for conducting data synthesis and analysis on the use of new regimens for the treatment of drug-resistant TB
26 March 2021, Geneva | The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Tuberculosis Programme has initiated a process to update the consolidated guidelines on the treatment of drug-resistant TB (DR-TB). There is a need to collect and analyze newly available data on new MDR-TB treatment regimens for the guideline update. This consultancy is to conduct data synthesis and analysis on efficacy and safety of new regimens for treatment of drug-resistant TB.
WHO is seeking expressions of interest from independent researchers, academic institutions or other entities with relevant expertise and experience in systematic review and statistical analysis to perform the synthesis and analysis of the available data. The candidate entity should be able to work independently as well as interact regularly and collaboratively with the WHO Global TB Programme team, data contributors and other technical experts as required. Please review the terms of reference for details of the work and requirements.
Please submit to the WHO Global TB Programme an expression of interest letter specifying details on the relevant capacity and experience of the candidate in similar type of work on systematic reviews and meta-analyses, together with the resumes of persons to be involved.
Please send your submissions to the WHO Global TB Programme at [email protected] by 15 April 2021. The expressions of interest received will go through a review process and the selected candidate will be notified on completion of the review process. The selected candidate will be required to develop a statistical analysis plan together with details of a budget estimate to be submitted to the WHO Global TB Programme.
World Health Organization
Global TB Programme
20, Avenue Appia, CH-1211, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: (+41) 22 791 4695. Email: [email protected]
For more information please go to
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