Home Fellowships, Studentship & Scholarships 52 funding schemes- Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom

52 funding schemes- Wellcome, United Kingdom: Wellcome is politically and financially independent global charitable foundation. Wellcome supports over 14,000 people in more than 70 countries. Wellcome aims to spend up to £5 billion helping thousands of curious, passionate people all over the world explore ideas in science, population health, medical innovation, the humanities and social sciences and public engagement. Following funding schemes are available; 

  1. Biomedical Resource and Technology Development Grants
  2. Biomedical Vacation Scholarships
  3. Climate Change and Health Awards
  4. Clinical Research Career Development Fellowships
  5. Collaborative Awards in Humanities and Social Science
  6. Collaborative Awards in Science
  7. Daniel Turnberg Travel Fellowships
  8. Doctoral Studentships
  9. Engagement Fellowships
  10. Epidemic Preparedness: Social Science Research Protocols
  11. Four-year PhD Programmes in Science
  12. Four-year PhD Studentships in Science
  13. Heightening Institutional Capacity for Government Use of Health Research (HIGH-Res) Award
  14. Innovator Awards
  15. International Intermediate Fellowships 
  16. International Master’s Fellowships
  17. International Training Fellowships
  18. Investigator Awards in Humanities and Social Science
  19. Investigator Awards in Science
  20. Joint Global Health Trials scheme
  21. Joint Health Systems Research Initiative
  22. Longitudinal Population Study Grants
  23. Master’s Programme Awards in Humanities and Social Science
  24. Multi-user Equipment Grants
  25. Open Research Fund
  26. PhD Training Fellowships for Clinicians
  27. Principal Research Fellowships
  28. Public Engagement Fund
  29. Research Awards for Health Professionals
  30. Research Career Development Fellowships
  31. Research Career Re-entry Fellowships
  32. Research Enrichment – Diversity and Inclusion
  33. Research Enrichment – Open Research
  34. Research Enrichment – Public Engagement
  35. Research Fellowships in Humanities and Social Science
  36. Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises programme
  37. Research on Research Awards
  38. Research Resources Grants: Support for libraries and archives
  39. Science Media Studentships
  40. Secondment Fellowships
  41. Seed Awards in Humanities and Social Science
  42. Seed Awards in Science
  43. Senior Research Fellowships
  44. Sir Henry Dale Fellowships
  45. Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowships
  46. Small Grants in Humanities and Social Science
  47. Springboard Awards
  48. Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers
  49. Sustaining Excellence Awards
  50. The Hub Award
  51. UK Prevention Research Partnership Scheme
  52. University Awards in Humanities and Social Science

Detail Information: Visit official website 

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