The Training Manual for Medical Doctors – Drug Resistant (DR) TB 2024 is designed to assist medical doctors in comprehending and managing Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB). It functions as an all-encompassing resource for diagnosing and treating DR-TB, offering practical case management skills through real-life scenarios. The manual highlights essential aspects such as diagnostic algorithms, tools, treatment plans, infection control, patient-focused care, and managing adverse drug reactions, ensuring healthcare professionals are thoroughly equipped to handle DR-TB cases effectively.
World Tuberculosis Day 2025: ‘Yes! We Can End TB: Commit, Invest, Deliver’
- Describe the global and Nepal-specific situation of DR TB epidemic, END TB strategy and National Strategic plan (NSP), 2021/22 – 2025/26.
- Define DR TB, identify types and explain the causes of drug resistance and role of different levels in PMDT.
- Explain diagnostic tests for DR TB, sputum specimen collection and transportation and diagnostic algorithms for DR TB
- List different types of DR TB treatment regimen, drugs and explain the principles for treating MDR/RR-TB cases
- Initiate the most appropriate regimen promptly, perform clinical and laboratory assessments per national guidelines, and optimize case management.
- Monitor the follow up and treatment of DR TB patients and learn about aDSM.
- Manage the DR-TB patients with comorbidities and in special situation.
- Apply good IPC practices in his/her workplace, promote treatment adherence of patients by education and counseling sessions as well as provision of (available) social economic support.
- Record and Report PMDT data per national guidelines.
Target Audience
- This is a 3-day training program with site visits (DR TB treatment centers and Reference laboratories) designed for medical doctors and other healthcare professionals who are involved in the treatment, care, and management of DR TB patients.
Recommended readings
- National TB Preventive Treatment Protocol 2024
- National Guide for use of digital x-ray with AI in camp settings
- National Tuberculosis Programme Annual Report 2018
- National Tuberculosis Program Update in Nepal #WorldTBDay #EndTB
- National TB Prevalence Survey, 2018-19 Key findings
- World Tuberculosis Day 2020! It’s time to End TB!
- National Guideline on Drug Resistant TB Management 2019, Nepal
- National Tuberculosis Management Guideline 2019, Nepal
- Global Tuberculosis Report 2019: Latest status of the tuberculosis epidemic
- National TB Prevalence Survey, 2018-19 Key findings
- New WHO recommendations to prevent tuberculosis aim to save millions of lives
- World Health Organization (WHO) Information Note Tuberculosis and COVID-19
- World Tuberculosis Day 2020! It’s time to End TB!
- People-centred framework for tuberculosis programme planning and prioritization, User guide
- Global Tuberculosis Report 2019: Latest status of the tuberculosis epidemic
- Dissemination of Findings and Recommendations of Joint External Monitoring Mission(JEMM) of Nepal National Tuberculosis Program
- National Tuberculosis Programme Annual Report 2018
- National Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis Prevention, Care and Control 2016 – 2021
- NTP, Nepal: New TB Treatment Algorithm & Regimen (Updated)
- WHO announces landmark changes in MDR-TB treatment regimens
- TB Vaccine results announce a promising step towards ending the emergency
- 7 million people receive record levels of lifesaving TB treatment but 3 million still miss out
Related reports
- Global Tuberculosis Report 2024
- Global tuberculosis report 2023
- Global Tuberculosis Report 2022
- Global Tuberculosis Report 2021
- Global Tuberculosis Report 2020
- National Strategic Plan to End Tuberculosis in Nepal
- Global Tuberculosis Report 2019: Latest status of the tuberculosis epidemic
- Global Tuberculosis Report 2018
- WHO Global Tuberculosis report 2015
- Global tuberculosis report 2014: Improved data reveals higher global burden of tuberculosis