Full marks = 100
No. of questions: 50
Time: 45 Minutes
Pass marks: 40
Anatomy and physiology
- Anatomical structure and function of the different organs of the body system,
A. Digestive system
B. Respiratory system
C. Cardiovascular system
D. Reproductive system
E. Endocrine system
F. Nervous system
G. Skeletal system
H. Sense organ system
- Health education and community Diagnosis
(A) Health Education
– Health Education, importance and method
– Communication & barrier of communication
– Learning process
– Leadership.
(B) School Health
– Purpose of School Health Program
– Activities of School Health Program.
(C) Community Diagnosis
– Importance and methods of community diagnosis
(D) Community Development
– Objective
– Methods of community development
3. Community Health
(A) Epidemiology
i. Definition of Epidemiology
ii. Scope of Epidemiology
iii. Vital statistic
iv. Epidemiological investigation
v. Epidemiological trends
vi. Disease prevention
vii. Basic principle of disease transmission
(B) Environmental sanitation
i. Environmental sanitation
ii. Scope of environmental sanitation
iii. Water (Source, Water purification)
iv. Excreta disposal and faecal borne disease
v. Solid waste method of termination
vi. Disposal of waste water
vii. Health & Disease spectrum
viii.Food sanitation
ix. Insects and rodents and their importance in public health
x. Milk hygiene & Milk borne disease.
- (A) Basic Medical Procedures and First Aid Treatment
- First aid:- Shock, Bleeding, burn/scalds fracture, Ear, Throat, Nose and
Eye injuries, Poisoning, Snake bite, Insect bite and Animal bite &
Frostbite - First aid treatment of electrical injury
- Drawing, Choking, High fever fit and convulsion
(B) Basic Medical Procedures - Vital signs
- Investigation process and Importance of urine, Stool, Blood, Sputum
pus and throat swab collection - Bandage (Importance, types & application)
- Technique of giving injection
- Sterilization process, importance, type and methods.
- Vector Borne Disease (VBDs):
i. History and Epidemiology of VBDs- Mode of transmission, causative agent, host, vector and environment, Life cycle of vectors and parasites/viruses.
ii. Rationale and Tools and techniques for the Prevention and control of VBDs.
iii. Clinical features, Diagnosis and Case Management of VBDs
iv. Nepal’s National Goal, objectives, prevention and control strategies, approaches, methods and activities, National Treatment Protocol of VBDs.
Trends of transmission, geographical distribution, epidemiological situation.
v. Planning for VBDs Prevention and Control at the district and periphery level:
– Analysis of the district VBDs situation.
– Development of District VBDs Profile with the risk areas and population mapped.
– Preparation of Annual Work Plan
– Epidemic/Outbreak preparedness and Response
– Surveillance
– Behaviour Change Communication (IEC)
– Recording and Reporting of VBDs
– Referral and follow-up
– Supervision, monitoring and evaluation of VBDs control programs.
– Roles and responsibilities of different level health facilities.
– Techniques of community mobilization for VBDs.
- Maternal and Child Health, Family Planning and Nutrition
A. Maternal and Child Health
i. Antenatal care
ii. Physiological Change during pregnancy
iii. Danger signs
iv. High risk group (mother)
v. Delivery care
vi. Stages of labor
vii. Difference between false and true labour
viii. Postnatal care
ix. Newborn Care
x. Complication of pregnancy
xi. Abortion
xii. Ectopic pregnancy
xiii. Toxemia
xiv. Mal Presentations
xv. Antepartum haemorrhage
xvi. Postpartum haemorrhage
xvii. Post partum haemorrhage, retained placenta
xviii. Definition, signs and symptoms; and management of pelvic infection
xix. Uterince prolapsed
xx. Leucorrhoea, Trichomonosis
xxi. Growth and development of baby
xxii. Milestone development
xxiii. Definition, causes, signs symptoms and management of Ante
Respiratory Infection (ARI), Diarrheal Diseases
xxiv. Six killer disease (Tuberculosis, Tetanus, Polio, Pertussis, Diphtherial
(B) Family Planning
i. Population education
ii. Population pyramids
iii. Consequences of population growth
iv. Measures to solve population problem.
v. Family planning methods
vi. Temporary method
vii. Permanent method
(C) Nutrition
i. Source of nutrients
ii. Nutritional status measurements
iii. Breast feeding, Weaning and supplementary foods
iv. PEM (Protein Energy malnutrition) sign/symptoms, prevention and
v. Vitamins, Minerals, sources, deficiency disease, sign/symptom of
deficiency disease and management.
- Communicable Disease and Microbiology
A. Microbiology
i. Micro-organisms (Bacteria, virus, parasites fungus, protozoa, helminthes)
B. Communicable Diseases
Communicable disease and non communicable disease, causes, clinical features, treatment, compilation and prevention of:
i. Amoebic, bacillary, dysentery, giardiasis
ii. Cholera, Tuberculosis, Malaria
iii. Parasitic Diseases
iv. Viral Disease (AIDS, Chicken pox, measles, influenza and common cold, mumps, Rabies, infective, hepatitis, poliomyelitis, trachoma)
v. Bacterial Disease
vii. Leprosy, pertussis, tetanus, gastro-enteritis
vii. Enteric fever, diphtheria, syphilis, gonorrhea.
- Medicine & Surgery:
A. Medicine:
History taking/physical examination
Causes, signs and symptoms, type, prevention, treatment, complication and investigation of
a. Deficiency disease
i. Anemia, Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM), Vitamin deficiency
b. Digestive System
i. Gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis
ii. Appendicitis
iii. Dysentery
iv. Gastroenteritis
v. Hepatosplenomegaly
c. Respiratory system
i. Common cold
ii. Tonsillitis
iii. Pharyngitis
iv. Rhinitis
v. Sinusitis
vi. Bronchitis
vii. Pneumothorax
d. Cardiovascular System
i. Hypertension
ii. Congestive Cardiac Failure (CCF)
iii. Rheumatic fever
e. Genito Urinary System
i. Nephritis
ii. Renal Colic
iii. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
f. Endocrine System
i. Diabetes
ii. Hypothyroidism
iii. Hyperthyroidism
g. Nervous System
i. CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident)
ii. Convulsion
iii. Meningitis
iv. Epilepsy
v. Unconsciousness
h. Skin Problem
i. Scabies
ii. Ringworm
iii. Impetigo
iv. Eczema
v. Allergies
B. Surgery:
Definition Clinical Features and appropriate treatment of:
i. Boils
ii. Carbuncles
iii. Ulcer
iv. Piles
v. Wound
vi. Burn and scales
vii. Fracture
viii. Dislocation and sprain
ix. Head and spinal cord injuries
x. Bleeding
xi. Foreign body in eye, ear, nose and throat
xii. Conjunctivitis, iritis, trachoma, cataract, stye. Otitis externa
xiii. Common problem of teeth and mouth
xiv. Acute abdominal problem
xv. Acute appendicitis
xvi. Acute cholecystitis
xvii Intestinal obstruction
xviii. Hydrocele
xix. Hernia
xx. Tumor
- Pharmacy and Pharmacology
A. Pharmacy
i. Terminology used in pharmacy
ii. Simple pharmaceutical calculation according to Indian pharmacopoeia (IP) and British pharmacopoeia (BP) and formulary
iii. Inventory management
iv. Dispensing
v. Narcotic drugs management
vi. Banded drugs
B. Pharmacology
i. Terms used in pharmacology
ii. Meaning and types of Antibiotic
iii. Action, use, dose, general side effects and contradiction of the drugs used in different systems:
– Digestive systems
– Respiratory system
iv. Condition
– Pain
– Fever
– Inflammation
– Locally used preparations
– Antihypertensive drugs
– Nutritional Supplementary Drugs
– Vaccines
– Hormones
– Oral rehydration therapy
– Parental solution
- Health Culture and Communication:
i. Changes, process and barrier of changes in community
ii. Traditional belief and health related taboos
iii. Traditional medicine practice in Nepal
iv. Concept of family health
v. Health and disease spectrum
vi. Health reporting and recording
Health Management:
i. Health care system in Nepal
ii. Job Description of Auxiliary health Worker (AHW) and Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM)
iii. Primary Health Care (PHC): definition and components
iv. Job description of malaria inspector/Vector control Assistent/Malaria Assistant/Cold chain Assistant.
Management of:
i. Health posts
ii. Clinics
iii. Health Camps
iv. In service Training
v. Inventory
vi. Chart and Diagram
vii. Meeting
viii. Problem solving
ix. Leaves
x. Recording and reporting
xi. Supervision and monitoring
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