Full marks = 100
Pass marks = 40
Time = 45 Minutes
No. of questions = 50
(A) Anatomy and physiology
1. Names, types and functions of the different Organs of following system
1.1 Skeletal System
1.2 Muscular System
1.3 Digestive System
1.4 Circulatory System
1.5 Urinary System
1.6 Nervous System
1.7 Respiratory System
1.8 Endocrine System
1.9 Sensory Organs
2. Mechanism of the different system
2.1 Mechanism of digestion of food
2.2 Mechanism of respiration
2.3 Mechanism of Menstrual cycle
2.4 Mechanism of urinary system
(B) Nursing Procedure and First Aid
1. Nursing Procedure
1.1 Job description of Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) in Health Post, Community and district
1.2 Prevention and treatment of bed sore
1.3 Vital signs
1.4 Sterilization: – Importance, types and methods
1.5 Catheterization
1.6 Medicine (Essential drugs used in Health Post, Sub-Health Post and Hospital)
2. First aid treatment of following condition
2.1 Fracture
2.2 Shock, Wound, Hemorrhages, Epistaxis, Scald and Burn
2.3 Unconscious, Fits
2.4 Dog bite, snake bite, Poisoning, foreign body in eye, ear and nose
(C) Family Planning, Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and Nutrition
1. Methods of family planning
1.1 Temporary methods for male and female
1.2 Permanent methods for male and female
1.3 Family planning counseling
1.4 Various rates and ratio used in population education
2. Maternal and Child Health (MCH)
2.1 Immunization
2.2 Six killer diseases (Tuberculosis, Tetanus, Polio, Pertussis, Measles)
2.3 Milestone
2.4 Record Height, Weight and Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC)
2.5 ARI (Acute Respiratory Tract Infection)
2.6 Malnutrition; Protein energy malnutrition (P.E.M.)
2.7 Control of Diarrheal Diseases (CDD)
2.8 Preparation of oral rehydration solution (ORS)
2.9 Advantages of breastfeeding
2.10 Vaccines
2.11 Maintenance vaccine potentiality
3. Nutrition
3.1 Importance of nutrition on the growth and development of the body
3.2 Nutritional requirement in normal children, adult, pregnancy and lactating mother
3.3 Disease due to vitamin deficiency and source of vitamin
3.3.1 Vitamin “A”
3.3.2 Vitamin “B”
3.3.3 Vitamin “C”
3.3.4 Vitamin “D”
3.4 Anaemia and its management
3.5 Goiter, cretinism, mental retardation and its prevention
(D) Diagnosis and treatment of simple disorders
1. Different types of microorganisms including spores and parasite
2. Common skin problems and its management
3. Nursing management of following conditions:
3.1 Diabetes
3.2 Peptic ulcer
3.3 Jaundice
3.4 Typhoid
3.5 Bronchial Asthma
3.6 Bronchitis
3.7 Hypertension
3.8 Congestive cardiac failure
3.9 Rheumatic fever
3.10 Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
3.11 Urinary Tract Infection
3.12 Meningitis, Encephalitis
3.13 Paralysis
3.14 Head injury
3.15 Infection of eye
3.16 Mental Health (Types and causes of mental problem)
(E) Health education and Communication
1. Principle and importance of health education
2. Methods and media of health education
3. Elements, barriers and techniques of communication
(F) Midwifery
1. Antenatal care (ANC)
1.1 Function of placenta
1.2 Physiological changes during pregnancy
1.3 Signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
1.4 Purpose of Antenatal care.
1.5 Calculation of Last Menstrual Period (LMP) and Expected Date of Delivery (EDD) and gestational week of pregnancy
1.6 Investigations during pregnancy
1.7 Health teaching during antenatal visit
1.8 Minor and Major disorders during pregnancy its management
1.9 High risk factors during pregnancy and their management
2 Labour (Intranatal)
2.1 Signs & symptoms; and causes of onset of labour
2.2 Physiological changes during first, second and third stages of labour
2.3 Signs and symptoms and management of maternal and foetal distress
2.4 Indications and time of episiotomy
2.5 Method of scoring of the APGAR score
2.6 Immediate care of newborn baby
2.7 Examination of newborn baby
2.8 Complication of third stage and its management
2.9 Abnormal Labour
2.9.1 Occipito posterior position
2.9.2 Multiple pregnancy
2.9.3 Mal presentation
2.9.4 Prematurity
2.9.5 Post maturity
2.10 Management of prolonged labour
2.10.1 Cephalo pelvis disproportion (CPD)
2.10.2 Trial labour (Induction)
3 Postnatal care
3.1 Definition, Principles and purpose of postnatal care
3.2 Minor disorders during puerperium (After pain, retention of urine, constipation, Hemorrhoid, Crack nipple, Engorged breast, Subinvolution of the Uterus)
3.3 Major disorder during puerperium
3.3.1 Puerperal sepsis
3.3.2 Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
3.3.3 Incontinence of urine and stool
3.3.4 Puerperal haemorrhage
3.3.5 Venus thrombosis
3.3.6 Pulmonary embolism
3.3.7 Postnatal psychosis and depression
3.3.8 Causes, signs and symptoms, complications and management of mother and baby
3.3.9 Major disorders of newborn
(G) Environmental Sanitation and Home visit
1. Community and home visit
2. Health problems and diseases due to poor environmental Sanitation
3. Water pollution
4. Excreta disposal and its importance
5. Types of latrines
6. Classification and management of solid waste disposal
(H) Epidemiology and communicable diseases
1. Definition and aims of epidemiology
2. Concept of diseases
3. Primary Health care (Definition, element, Basic Principles)
4. Immunity
5. Communicable diseases and its prevention, control and treatment including Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD)
(I) Community diagnosis
1. Importance and methods of community diagnosis
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