Towards an Age-friendly World
A key strategy to facilitate the inclusion of older persons it to make our world more age-friendly. An age-friendly world enables people of all ages to actively participate in community activities and treats everyone with respect, regardless of their age. It is a place that makes it easy for older people to stay connected to people that are important to them. And it helps people stay healthy and active even at the oldest ages and provides appropriate support to those who can no longer look after themselves.
Many cities and communities are already taking active steps towards becoming more age-friendly. A new dedicated website, Age-friendly World, supports them in this endeavor by providing a one-stop-shop on age-friendly action at the local level: guides and tools, age-friendly practices and information on hundreds of city and community initiatives around the world. Browse the website to learn more about what can be done to make your city or communities more age-friendly.
Source of Information: http://who.int/en/
See more Information: http://who.int/ageing/age-friendly-world/en/
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