The Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC) invites application from the eligible candidates for NHRC Undergraduate, Graduate Research Grant 2080 and NHRC Provincial Research Grant 2080.
NHRC Provincial Research Grant: The Purpose of NHRC Provincial Research Grant Request for Proposal is to support innovate research projects on health from eligible Nepali citizens.
NHRC Undergraduate, Graduate Research Grant: The purpose of NHRC under-graduate and post-graduate grant RFP is to support innovative research project on health, medical and health related subjects from eligible candidates.
Application Instructions:
Application can be submitted electronically at the email ([email protected]) of Capacity Building Section of the NHRC.
Required documents:
- Research proposal as per given format,
- CV of Principal Investigator (PI),
- A copy of citizenship of PI and recommendation letter.
Application deadline: 24 December 2024.
More Information: NHRC Website