Home Abstracts Call for Applications for ASTMH Travel Awards 2023


The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) is an international society committed to equity and global impact through the treatment and prevention of tropical infectious diseases. The Annual Meeting is a dynamic forum for the exchange of the latest scientific and clinical advances in tropical medicine and global health. These abstracts, presented as either oral presentations or posters, are the cornerstone of the meeting’s scientific content. The 2023 Annual Meeting will be held in person October 18-22, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Call for abstracts

Poster Presentation: Oral abstract presentations are 15-minute presentations within a Scientific Session, generally with 10 minutes allocated for the main presentation and 5 minutes for questions and transition of speakers.

Due to the large number of submissions, the selection process for oral presentations is especially competitive. Please note that many abstract submissions indicating a preference for oral presentation that are not accepted for oral presentation will be assigned to poster presentations.

Poster presentations: In-person poster presentations will be displayed at one of three lunchtime poster sessions in Chicago. In-person poster presenters are requested to be available to informally elaborate and discuss the poster with interested viewers.

Call for Applications for Travel Awards and Funding

ASTMH Young Investigator Awards
Eligibility requirements – Eligibility is limited to current student/post-doctoral members of ASTMH who had a primary role in various aspects of tropical disease research and experimentation. The applicants must be available to present their research during the Young Investigator Award competition held in the morning of the opening day of the Annual Meeting. 
Apply by March 29.

STMH/BMGF Annual Meeting Travel Awards
Travel Awards are offered to qualified students, early career investigators and scientists actively working in the tropical medicine field to attend the Society’s Annual Meeting. Now accepting applications for the Annual Meeting Travel Award. Apply by March 22.

Subgroup Travel Awards

American Committee on Arthropod-Borne and Zoonotic Viruses (ACAV)
Student/Post-Doc Travel Awards 

Eligibility Requirements – Eligibility is limited to graduate students and post-doctoral fellows who are actively conducting arbovirus research. The award recipients will present their research either orally or as a poster during the Annual Meeting. Additionally award recipients will present “lightning talks” about their research as part of the ACAV Annual Business Meeting, which occurs during the ASTMH meeting. Apply by March 22.

American Committee on Clinical Tropical Medicine and Travelers’ Health – Clinical Group (ACCTMTH)
ACCTMTH Clinical Research Award
Eligibility Requirements – Eligibility is limited to students (within six months of completing undergraduate or master’s level training, including medical undergraduate degrees) and post-doctoral fellows who are conducting clinically-oriented research with scientific clinical content. The applicants must be available to present their work during the award competition during the Annual Meeting. Apply by March 22.

American Committee of Medical Entomology (ACME)
ACME Young Investigator Travel Awards

Young Investigator Travel Award – Graduate (Masters or Doctoral Career-Level in 2023)
Eligibility Requirements – Eligibility is limited to any graduate student who is currently conducting research that directly or indirectly involves arthropods of medical importance. The award recipient will present his/her research either orally or as a poster during the Annual Meeting. Apply by March 22.

ACME Young Investigator Travel Award – Post-Doctoral (Graduation to have occurred 2021-2023)
Eligibility requirements – Eligibility is limited to any post-doc who is currently conducting research that directly or indirectly involves arthropods of medical importance. The award recipient will present his/her research either orally or as a poster during the Annual Meeting. Apply by March 22.

ACME Young Investigator Travel Award – International (Country of primary institution must be non-US)
Eligibility requirements – Eligibility is limited to any international student who is currently conducting research that directly or indirectly involves arthropods of medical importance. The award recipient will present his/her research either orally or as a poster during the Annual Meeting. Apply by March 22.

American Committee of Molecular, Cellular and Immunoparasitology (ACMCIP)
Travel Award for Low and Low-Middle Income (LMIC) Trainees

Eligibility requirements – The ACMCIP student travel award will recognize an international student or trainee, not based full-time in the United States or other high-income country. Priority will be given to qualified applicants primarily living and working in a Low or Lower-Middle Income country (L/LMIC). The applicant must be a member of ACMCIP, and submit an abstract to the ASTMH Annual Meeting in the fields of molecular, cellular or immunoparasitology research. Apply by March 22.

ASTMH Committee on Global Health (ACGH)
Student/Post-Doc Travel Awards

Eligibility requirements – Eligibility is limited to graduate students, medical students, residents and post-doctoral fellows who are conducting global health research and actively participating in advocacy, program implementation or networking efforts for global health. The award recipients will present their research either orally or as a poster during the Annual Meeting. Apply by March 22.

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