Home Courses ADB-Japan Scholarship Program (JSP)

The ADB-Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) offers about 135 graduate scholarships a year for studies in economics, business and management, science and technology, and other development-related fields.

The ADB-JSP provides:

  • full tuition fees
  • monthly subsistence allowance (including housing)
  • books and instructional materials
  • medical insurance
  • travel expenses

For scholars engaged in research, a special grant may be available for thesis preparation. In special circumstances, computer literacy, preparatory language and other similar courses may be covered under the scholarship.

Major Fields of Study

  • Science and Technology: Agriculture, Biological Science, Computer Science, Energy, Engineering, Environment, Forestry, Genetics, and Health
  • Economics, Business and Management: Accounting, Business Administration/Management, Commerce, E-Business, Entrepreneurship, Economics, Finance, International Cooperation, and Social Sciences
  • Development Studies: Asia Pacific Studies, Development Management, and Development Studies
  • Law and Public Policy: International Business Law, International Environmental Law, Policy Studies, Political Science, Public Administration, and Public Policy

Eligibility requirements

  • The candidate should:
  • be a national of an ADB borrowing member country and Japanese ODA scholarship-eligible country
  • not hold dual citizenship of any developed country;
  • have gained admission to an approved master’s course at a Designated Institution.
  • hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent with superior academic record;
  • have at least two (2) years of full-time professional working experience (acquired after a university degree) at the time of application. The candidate must have proficiency in oral and written English communication skills to be able to pursue studies;
  • not be more than 35 years old at the time of application, unless waived in exceptional cases with the expressed endorsement of the Government of Japan;
  • be in good health;
  • agree to return and work in his/her home country for at least two (2) years after completion of studies under the Program in order to contribute to its development;
  • not be an Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management, staff and consultants of ADB, or the close relatives of the aforementioned by blood or adoption with the term “close relative” defined as: spouse, mother, stepmother, father, stepfather, sister, stepsister, brother, stepbrother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew;
  • not be staff of ADB–JSP Designated Institutions;
  • not be living or working in a country other than his/her home country; and
  • not be already enrolled in graduate degree programs.
  • Applicants should not be more than 35 years of age at the time of application, unless waived in exceptional cases with the expressed endorsement of the Government of Japan.

Available to citizens of the following countries/areas:

  • Afghanistan
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bangladesh
  • Bhutan
  • Cambodia
  • Cook Islands
  • Federated States of Micronesia
  • Fiji
  • Georgia
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kiribati
  • Kyrgyz Republic
  • Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Marshall Islands
  • Mongolia
  • Myanmar
  • Nauru
  • Nepal
  • Niue
  • Pakistan
  • Palau
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines
  • Samoa
  • Solomon Islands
  • Sri Lanka
  • Tajikistan
  • Thailand
  • Timor-Leste
  • Tonga
  • Turkmenistan
  • Tuvalu
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vanuatu
  • Viet Nam

Procedures for Applying

  • Applicant requests for information and application forms from the chosen partner institution
  • Applicant completes required documents for application including ADB-JSP information sheet
  • Applicant sends documents to institution
  • Institution evaluates and decides on admission and applicant
  • Institution sends shortlist of candidates to ADB
  • ADB reviews submission from institutions
  • ADB recommends awardees based on its selection criteria to the Japanese executive director for approval
  • ADB selects scholars and informs institution
  • Institution informs all scholars

Criteria for selection of ADB–JSP scholars

  • Qualifications of the candidate.
  • ADB–JSP will give priority to the ranking, or order of merit, proposed by the Designated Institutions.
  • Preference to women candidates.
  • Preference will be given to applicants with lesser financial capacity.
  • The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who have previously studied abroad.
  • The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who are pursuing a second master’s degree.
  • Candidates who are applying at a Designated Institution in their own country may not be selected.
  • Diversity of nationalities in the overall Program as well as at each Designated Institution level will be considered.
  • Preference will be given to candidates with higher potential to occupy senior positions in development-related work and who have demonstrated professional interest and desire to contribute to development in their home countries.
  • Proposed Fields of Study should be closely linked to the candidate’s academic background and professional experience and should be in line with (a) the operational priority areas of ADB’s long-term strategy and/or (b) the priority issues and development challenges addressed by Japan’s ODA.

ADB’s operational priority areas under its Strategy 2030 are

  • addressing poverty and reducing inequalities;
  • accelerating progress in gender equality;
  • tackling climate change, building climate and disaster resilience, and enhancing environmental sustainability;
  • making cities more livable;
  • promoting rural development and food security;
  • strengthening governance and institutional capacity; and
  • fostering regional cooperation and integration.

In the case of Japan ODA, the priority areas are

  • universal health coverage;
  • climate change and disaster risk management;
  • quality infrastructure investment;
  • public finance management; and
  • poverty reduction.

Scholarship Program: List of Academic Institutions

The ADB–Japan Scholarship Program (ADB–JSP) enrolls about 250 students annually in academic institutions located in 9 countries within the Region. Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries. 

The University of Tokyo: School of International Health (Master in Health Science (International Health)

Explore more courses: List of Academic Institutions

Deadline for submission of application

  • Send applications for scholarships at least six months prior to the planned time that you wish to commence studies.
  • Please refer to the normal month of intake and deadline of application in the participating academic institutions.


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