Home Call for Proposal, EOI & RFP SHAPE International Symposium 2025

SHAPE International Symposium 2025: Shaping health management practice, education, and research in the ever-changing environment.​

The SHAPE International Symposium 2025 will be hosted by the SHAPE Executive in a hybrid format, taking place at the Singapore Campus of James Cook University and virtually via Zoom, scheduled from Monday, June 30, to Wednesday, July 2, 2025. Keynote and panel speakers will include leading voices from across the globe in healthcare leadership and management at both system and service levels. The program includes keynote addresses, an interactive panel session, group discussions, and 15-minute presentations. Delegates are healthcare leaders, managers, academics and educators in all areas of health services, focusing on Australasia and Asia Pacific countries. Managers, practitioners and postgraduate students are highly encouraged to attend.


  • Monday June 30th – This day will focus on health service management education and research in conjunction with SHAPE program member meetings and the SHAPE AGM. There will be a session specifically for higher degree research, postgraduate and undergraduate students giving short presentations, receiving academic feedback, discussion and learning from each other.
  • Tuesday July 1st and Wednesday July 2nd – These days will focus on the four themes.


  • Theme 01: Value-based healthcare
  • Theme 02: Artificial intelligence in health: opportunities and challenges for education, research, and practice
  • Theme 03: Changes in health systems and models of care
  • Theme 04: Innovations (other than AI) in health service delivery, management, and education.
Call for Abstracts

​Symposium invites abstracts for presentations at the SHAPE International Symposium 2025 in person or online. Presentations are encouraged from a broad range of topics associated with the four themes below that contribute to a deeper understanding of the challenges facing health service leadership and management, education, development, workforce training and research. Collectively these encompass the central interests of SHAPE members and colleagues. Presentations must clearly demonstrate their relevance and linkage to health service management education and research.​​​​​

Deadline for abstract submission: 5pm (AEST), 28 February 2025

All submissions must be made online via www.shape.org.au/2025

Information required by the Abstract Submission can also be downloaded from the SHAPE website www.shape.org.au

Five categories of presentations are acceptable:

  1. 15-minute presentations including Research Presentation, Case Studies, and Viewpoints to encourage debate and discussion or identify research agendas based on literature, research findings and practical experience, and
  2. 15-minute student presentations (5 minute presentation + 10 feedback) on a specific aspect of the presenter’s research at the scheduled student session
  3. Poster presentation

Abstract review and acceptance

Abstracts will be assessed by the Symposium Review Committee consisting of SHAPE Executive Committee Members. The assessment focuses on relevance and clarity of abstract, novelty of the ideas/key messages to be included in the presentation, and how likely the presentation will encourage / facilitate meaningful debate on the proposed topic. Results will be notified by 28 March 2025.

Student abstract submission

SHAPE also invites Higher Degree Research students and other postgraduate students completing a research component or a project as part of their studies to present an aspect of their work. A specific session will be devoted to this with each student given 5 minutes to present, then work in breakout groups according to themes and receive feedback.  

This provides an opportunity for students to share their work and receive constructive feedback and advice from experienced researchers, and to foster networking around research projects. An award will be made to the best student presentation during the Symposium.  

Dr Mary Harris Student Bursary

SHAPE is offering a Student Bursary covering airfare, accommodation, and Symposium registration, up to a value of $1,500, for the best abstract received from a undergraduate, postgraduate or Higher Degree Research student who is currently completing their degree program with one of the SHAPE Program Members.

To be eligible,

  • You must be a postgraduate student studying in a health management research or coursework degree in the Asia Pacific, or a PhD student completing research in a health service management related field.
  • The program in which you are enrolled must be a financial member of SHAPE.
  • You are not currently employed as a full-time researcher or academic in any of the research institutions or Universities.

The winner of the bursary will be notified by 28 March 2025. For further information, please access the SHAPE website: www.shape.org.au

Registrations now open:  To register for the Symposium please use the link: https://www.trybooking.com/CZFRK

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