The Danish Cardiovascular Academy will be granting 12 PhD Scholarships. Six projects will be co-funded by the Danish Heart Foundation and receive a full PhD scholarship. The grant covers salary and tuition fee but no overhead.
- 6 scholarships will provide a 1/3 or 2/3 funding and amounts to 550,000 DKK and 1,000,000 DKK respectively covering one or two years of a PhD
- 6 scholarships will provide full funding and amounts to 1,650,000 DKK over a period of three years primarily to clinical research, prevention and public health.
The Danish Cardiovascular Academy wishes to strengthen the Danish cardiovascular research environment through excellent interdisciplinary education and training of young researchers. The goal is to improve understanding of mechanisms of disease and improve disease prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of cardiovascular disease. With the DCAcademy PhD Programme, we further aim to:
• Promote interdisciplinarity and cross-sectoral cardiovascular research
• Position Denmark at an international level within cardiovascular research
• Create viable networks and collaborations across disciplines and sectors within cardiovascular research.
Due to the collaborative purpose of the grants, the PhD-projects should bring researchers from different disciplines and/or sectors together. This can be accomplished by dual-mentorship where the scholar has supervisors and/or collaborators from different research groups, preferably from different disciplines and sectors. Longer research stays at the research environment of both mentors are highly recommended.
The candidate
The candidate must meet the educational criteria for admission to a Danish PhD School. The candidate must have research experience and be no more than 5 years from candidate/master’s degree. An education as MSc. (cand. scient.) can be considered as having research experience from the thesis. An MD is expected to have research experience beyond the medical training (e.g. publications, submitted manuscripts, pre-graduate research year).
Read more: Programme, eligibility and application process
Application deadline: Friday 10th of September 2021 12:00
Application: Send in your application in English through efond: