Home Public Health Australia Awards Fellowships Round 18 


Australia Awards are an Australian Government initiative bringing together prestigious international scholarships, Fellowships and short courses administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Australia Awards managed by DFAT are provided as part of Australia’s development program.

The overall goal of DFAT’s Australia Awards is to support partner countries to progress their development goals and have positive relationships with Australia that advance mutual interests. Australia Awards support emerging leaders to undertake study, research and professional development activities that build skills, knowledge and people to people links with the aim of contributing to the long-term development needs of Australia’s partner countries.

The Awards strive to develop leadership potential and stimulate lasting change by empowering a global network of talented individuals through high-quality education experiences in Australia and overseas. Australia Awards Scholars and Fellows return home with new ideas, knowledge and networks, and the ability to make a significant contribution to their home countries as leaders in their field. Through the Awards, alumni develop links to Australia and Australians, helping to build positive relationships between individuals, organisations and businesses in Australia and partner countries.

The Australia Awards administered by DFAT include: Australia Awards Scholarships; Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships; Australia Awards Fellowships; and Australia Awards Short Courses.

Australia Awards Fellowships

Australia Awards Fellowships offer eligible Australian organisations, from all sectors, the opportunity to deepen and broaden their links with leaders and professionals in developing countries by hosting Fellows from overseas partner organisations. Australian organisations identify their relevant development expertise and submit a Fellowship proposal with an overall aim of:

  • strengthening partnerships and links between Australian organisations and partner organisations in developing countries, in support of Australia’s strategic development objectives; and
  • increasing the capability and professional development of selected Fellows to advance priority development issues bilaterally, sub-regionally and/or regionally.

The program is designed to complement Australia’s individual bilateral and regional development programs and long-term scholarships by offering future leaders and mid-career professionals who will be in a position to advance priority development and foreign affairs issues on their return home. Fellowship activities aim to provide high-quality training, exchange of expertise, skills and knowledge, and opportunities to enhance networks on issues of shared interest. Activities can include a combination of short-term study and/or training, research, professional attachments and networking experiences.

Funding of up to $30,000 per Fellow is offered on a competitive basis to Australian organisations to host Fellows from eligible countries for activities delivered both in Australia and offshore for between minimum 2 weeks and maximum 52 weeks, the majority (over 70%) of the Fellowship must be conducted in Australia. Australian organisations must demonstrate commitment to the program and ongoing collaboration by providing a co-contribution to the Fellowship costs.

Who Can Apply?

Australian organisations such as government institutions, business and non-government organisations are eligible to apply. Organisations must be legal entities with an Australian Business Number and must be able to demonstrate links with partner organisations in participating countries, and provide in-kind or financial contributions to support Fellowships. Individuals cannot apply.

Fellow Eligibility

Australian organisations must ensure that all nominated Fellows meet the following general eligibility requirements:

  • be a minimum of 18 years of age at the time of commencing the Fellowship
  • not be a permanent resident or be applying for permanent residency in Australia or partner someone who is
  • be a citizen of an eligible country
  • not be current serving military personnel
  • be able to satisfy all requirements of the Department of Home Affairs for (DFAT sponsored) student visas subclass 500
  • be able to participate in the Fellowship.
  • Be able to travel without family members as DFAT will only fund and provide visa support letters for individual Fellows, not their family members
  • Fellows with a disability that requires assistance must travel with a carer
Participating Countries
Southeast Asia

Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam

South Asia and Middle East

Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iraq, Jordan, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories and Sri Lanka


Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Wallis and Futuna


Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe



Priority Areas

Fellowship programs must align with the following six development priority areas:

  • Climate change and resilience (including green energy transition)
  • Health and health security
  • Gender equality and social inclusion
  • Digital economy (including cyber and critical technology engagement)
  • Maritime and the blue economy
  • Infrastructure and connectivity
How to Apply

Applications must be submitted online.

PLEASE NOTE: You have until 11.59pm (AEDT) on January 22, 2023 to submit your online application.

Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted for assessment.

Emailed or faxed applications will not be accepted for assessment.


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