Home Conference Women’s Health Conference 2023


Women’s Health Conference 2023 is the first conference in Nepal looking broadly at women’s health. Disparities, discrimination and development challenges put so many women at extreme risk. In order to address this, we need to consider the multifaceted nature of women’s health conditions and explore trends in this sector for a well informed and evidence guided future course of action.

The Conference aims to promote and strengthen the interconnectedness of research, training, policy making, practice and advocacy evidence to expand women’s health agenda in Nepal. To that end, it will provide a platform for participants to discuss and disseminate evidence on what works and what doesn’t work and how successful programs can be expanded to reach different groups in society.


The conference aims to:

  • To provide a platform for researchers to disseminate their training, research, policy and practice engagement approaches and outcomes to a wider audience.
  • To showcase innovations and successes in women’s health training, education, practices, research and policy engagements from other intervention programmes and projects across Nepal.
  • To strengthen partnerships and collaboration among policy makers and practitioners in the areas of women’s health.
  • To identify priority women’s health areas to inform policy and practice to improve universal health status and services among women.

Event Venue: Kathmandu, Nepal

Date: 9th – 10th March 2023

Call for Papers

There will be five sub themes selected for parallel presentations. The details of the sub themes are as follows:

Sub Themes:
1. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
2. Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)
3. Child, Adolescent, Elderly Health
4. Women’s Health in Humanitarian Setting
5. Nutrition

Conference organizer invites all interested persons/organizations to kindly prepare and submit an abstract under the sub-themes mentioned above. The following are the suggested broad areas that could be covered under the above sub themes:

  1. Innovations and approaches
  2. Psychosocial, economic cultural, and religious systems
  3. Human Rights based approaches (HRBA)
  4. Leadership, Governance, Human Resources for Health, Health systems and Policy and

The details of the abstract’s guidelines, submission and selection criteria are provided below:

  1. The abstract should address one of the sub themes mentioned above. Please choose the theme which best describes the subject of your abstract in the abstract form.
  2. The text of the abstract should not exceed 300 words (in Times New Roman font size
    12pts). The word limit relates only to the text of the abstract and does not include title, sub headings, authors and author address. Tables and pictures cannot be included inabstracts
    1. The presenting author will be the contact person for all the correspondence about the
      presentation. All submissions will be acknowledged by email, hence, the correct contact
      information (email ID and Mobile) should be provided. It is the author’s
      responsibility to ensure all the information provided is correct. The Secretariat will not
      be responsible for any mis-communications due to wrong contact details.
  3. The title should be short and concise and Use a capital letter for the first letter in the
    title only (DO NOT capitalize each word). You may use standard abbreviations,
    however, mention all abbreviations in brackets after the full word, when it appears for the
    first time.
  4. By submission of an abstract, the author transfers copyright ownership to the organizing
    committee for publications. The Organizing committee reserves the right to reproduce the
    abstract / presentation made in conference in print or electronic media.
  5. Abstracts should be submitted in English.
  6. Abstracts should be submitted through the conferencve website www.whc2023.org in
    [email protected] The deadline for abstract submission is 12 February
  7. The abstract should cover the following: All abstracts should appear within the format of
    structure outlined below.
    1. Background/contexts: General introduction and the study objectives, the
      hypothesis or a thorough description of the problem/issue;
    2. Methods/approach: Study design, materials and methods used to collect
      data/information, type of analysis used, statistical analysis used (if any), approach
      and intervention for implementation etc;
    3. Results: Specific results, discussion, and conclusion(s) drawn, summarize the
      main outcome.
    4. Lesson learned/recommendation/implication/conclusions
    5. Keywords. (3 key words)
  8. This guideline and abstract form will be available at www.whc202.org.
  9. Accepted abstract, will be published in the abstract book.
  10. An independent Scientific Committee panel will review the abstracts for selection and
    rejection. The committee reserves all rights to assign any accepted abstract for oral or
    poster presentation. The authors will have an option to choose a method presentation – i.e
    either poster or oral at the time of abstract submission. Notification of acceptance or
    rejection will be sent to the corresponding author within 10 days of the close of abstract
    submission deadline, by email.
  11. If you have any questions regarding abstract submission, please contact
    [email protected]

Registration and More info: Official website

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