The Ministry of Health and Population has disseminated the long-awaited report of the Health Insurance Reform Advisory Committee, 2024 (2081 BS). The committee was formed by the MoHP to improve health insurance and enhance citizens’ access to healthcare services. It was tasked with assessing Nepal’s health insurance program through a SWOT analysis, identifying challenges, and proposing solutions.
The report presents a review of the committee’s work, recommendations to streamline the program through a single-door system, suggestions to enroll all citizens, expand benefits, and ensure resource sustainability through policy interventions.
Key recommendations
The committee advised the Government of Nepal to implement comprehensive policy and legal reforms, effective resource management, along with determining appropriate service packages and premium rates. The committee also recommended strengthening risk management strategies and implementing structural reforms to improve the system. It suggested enhancing collaboration across all three levels of government to ensure seamless service delivery. Further, the committee highlighted the importance of service improvements, better implementation practices, defining premium slabs, and promoting good governance within the health insurance program.
For more details, read the full report.
Similarly, another committee was formed by the MoHP to review and prepare an action plan based on the Report and Action Plan of the Health Insurance Reform Advisory Committee, 2024. This committee has developed a 50-point action plan, aimed to be implemented within six months to a year. The plan includes legal revisions, policy-level decisions, ministerial decisions, and activities related to the Health Insurance Board’s decisions.
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