Global Initiatives in School Health and Nutrition Programme
- School health services;
- School health education;
- School health environment (physical and psychosocial);
- Health promotion for school personnel;
- School outreach programme and school-community projects;
- Nutrition and food safety;
- Physical education and recreation; and
- Mental health, counseling and social supports.
- Health-related school policies
- Healthy, safe and secure learning environments
- Life skilled-based health education
- School-based health and nutrition services
- Micronutrient deficiencies: Iodine, iron and Vitamin A
- Worm infestations: Round worm, hook worm and whip worm
- Provision of safe water and sanitation
- Reinforce health and hygiene education
- Sound construction policies to address issues such as gender access and privacy
- It is an approach to health, hygiene, and nutrition education focuses on developing the knowledge, attitudes, values and life skills that young people need to make and act on the most appropriate and positive health related decision
- Beyond physical health to include psychosocial and environmental health
- Ensure and secure physical and psychosocial environment; address issues such as:
- Abuse of st
udents-child labour, girls trafficking, use of children in public activities etc.
- Sexual harassment
- School violence and bullying
- Guaranteeing further education of pregnant school girls and young mothers, and
- Reinforce health education for teachers and students.
- Promote overall health, hygiene and nutrition
- S.O. 1: Improve use of School Health and Nutrition services by school children
- S.O. 2: Improve healthful school environment
- S.O. 3: Improve health and nutrition behaviors and habits
- S.O. 4: Improve and strengthen community support systems and policy environment.