Nepal Policy Institute (NPI) is a global independent think-tank and knowledge platform registered in the Netherlands and Nepal. One of the primary objectives of NPI as a diaspora-powered knowledge platform is to serve for policy work on matters related to Nepal and Nepali anywhere and everywhere. In addition, NPI seeks to carry out relevant research on subjects that are both topical as well as those that may be of practical application to policymakers in the country. And even as established researchers both within the outside the country engage in valuable research on policies that are important to the country, NPI seeks to create an environment for young researchers also to be interested in doing policy analytic work.
NPI thus is pleased to announce the establishment of an annual NPI Young Researcher Award, and wishes to make a call for proposals for the Award’s 2022 edition. Upto six research awards will be made for 2022.
1. Provisions:
- Age threshold: 30 years
- Academic threshold: Graduate (ie, Masters) degree in any field from an accredited academic institution
- Work experience threshold: minimum of two years
- Areas of coverage: the thematic priorities of NPI broadly (see www.nepalpolicyinstitute.org), with scope to consider other associated ones as well
- Priority will be accorded to research proposals from marginalized groups and from those that are in, or represent, backward regions of the country (as measured by the Human Development Index)
- Diversity and inclusiveness among the awardees will be emphasized in terms of gender, language, place of origin, and research location (eg, in and outside Kathmandu)
- Half of the number of awardees will be based within Nepal (including outside Kathmandu) and the other half outside the country
- Each awardee will be mentored by an NPI member during the course of the research work
- There is no requirement of physical residence in Nepal although it is expected that the candidate is proficient in the vernacular language as well since research is expected to be carried out using sources in Nepali as well as indeed other regional languages, as merited, including engaging with local people and officials
- Award period: it is expected that the research as well as the final report and presentation will be completed within six months of being granted the award and no later than the end of the year (thus, all the work on the first set of awards for 2022 will have to be completed by December 2022)
- Amount of award: USD1,000 each
2. Submission of proposals: There is a two-stage proposal process –
a. Stage 1 – submission of initial concept, which will include:
- proposed topic
- the objectives of the research exercise
- relevance of the proposed topic to a current development problem faced by the country or (responding, in brief, to the question “how will the research benefit the country/region?”)
- proposed basic research methodology
- time-line of research work
- dissemination methods of knowledge generated.
- Evidence of buy-in or endorsement of the client to the research proposal
- Brief background of the researcher, including evidence of how s/he meets with the provisions of the award as mentioned in (1) above.
There is no template for the submission; interested individuals are encouraged to be creative in making their proposals informative as well as interesting.
b. Stage 2 – the short-listed candidates will then be requested to submit a detailed proposal which will take into account the feedback provided by the committee, and will delve deeper into the topics highlighted in Stage 1, including a cost break-down. All short-listed candidates will be requested to present their proposals to the NPI committee making the final selection.
3. Knowledge products and services: Each successful candidate will prepare, and complete, the following knowledge products and services, at a minimum:
a. An NPI webinar on the research findings,
b. Preparation of a policy brief to be published in the NPI website,
c. Submission of a journal article in the Policy Design & Practice journal for consideration for publication.
4. Each researcher will need to ensure that the relevant client (government entity, or NGO, or private sector enterprise) is aware of, and ideally has endorsed, the research work; the client will be requested to participate in the NPI webinar knowledge event.
5. Deadline for Stage 1 proposal: 5 pm NPT on Wednesday, January 19, 2022
6. Exclusions: Board members, staff; and interns and Fellows of NPI, as well as their family members, are not eligible to apply.
Proposal submission and inquiry:
Please send an email to info@nepalpolicyinstitute.org (with the subject line: “NPI Young Researcher Award 2022”) with your initial proposal, and/or should you have any questions on this award program.