United Nation’s Slogan for this year was ”MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS” in this program I am also present as a facilitator focused in the issues of Drug Addiction and HIV/AIDS. Contain Includes General Introduction to Drugs, misuse, abuse, rational use, Dependency, Abuse, Addiction and what are the underlying cause of Drug Addiction. How drug addiction demotivate the life of youth, how we can change the society and what is the major contribution of Youth to change the society to make Drug free youth. other issues discussed in that program were Orientation of HIV/AIDS. and current situation in Nepal, how it Transmit, how it cannot Transmit, what is window period, what are the major signs and symptoms, how we can know our HIV Status, is there any Treatment? how can we Prevent and other various issues related to HIV/AIDS. The leadership and managerial skills, practical knowledge for youth, capacity building and various skill developing issues for youth was also discussed and presented by Mr.Sampurna Paudel Sir. finally this program was fully success to deliver a lot of Knowledge for youth.
-2014 August 12