Speaking to the Health Assembly, Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told delegates that the new strategic plan was ambitious because “it must be”.
Delegates noted that the Organization will need to make a number of strategic shifts in order to achieve these targets, notably to step up its public health leadership; focus on impact in countries; and ensure that people can access authoritative and strategic information on matters that affect people’s health.
Key topics during this Health Assembly
Today, the debate turns to WHO’s work in emergencies. Over the coming days, delegates will make decisions relating to the International Health Regulations (2005), the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs); cholera, tuberculosis; snakebite; physical activity; digital health; assistive technology; polio virus; and health conditions in the occupied Palestine territory. The Health Assembly will also discuss other topics including: access to essential medicines and vaccine and women’s, children’s and adolescent’s health.
The World Health Assembly is attended by delegates from WHO Member States as well as representatives from many agencies, organizations, foundations and other groups that contribute to improving public health. Member States approve resolutions in committee before formally adopting them in the plenary session at the end of the Health Assembly, on 26 May.