Home Humanitarian Health & Emergency Response WHO Strategy for the National Action Plan for Health Security

WHO Strategy for the National Action Plan for Health Security

by Public Health Update

World Health Organization strategy (‎2022-2026)‎ for the National Action Plan for Health Security


The National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) are critical to ensure national capacities in health emergency prevention, preparedness, response and recovery are planned, built, strengthened and sustained in order to achieve national, regional and global health security and therefore keep the world safe, serve the vulnerable and promote health.

The strategy promotes, where existing, the use of existing national action plans for health security and not necessary the creation of an additional unique plan. This will avoid duplication and ensure maximum efficiency in domestic resourcing and operationalization efficiency while harnessing external buy-in to support national health priorities.

The NAPHS strategy establish the roles and responsibilities, monitoring and reporting mechanisms between WHE senior Management (HQ & ROs) for oversight;  WHO HQ Country Assessment and Planning Team (CAP) as the custodian of the NAPHS function;  Regional Offices as drivers of the  technical support to develop, implement and monitor [country] NAPHS; WHO country offices to liaise with and empower the Ministry of Health or Public Health Institute (PHI) that will be overseeing the NAPHS process to ensure national commitment and ownership


This strategy defines the World Health Organization (WHO) vision and framework for supporting Member States to accelerate the development, implementation and monitoring of their National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) from 2022 to 2026.

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