OpenWHO is WHO’s interactive, web-based, knowledge-transfer platform offering online courses to improve the response to health emergencies. OpenWHO enables the Organization and its key partners to transfer life-saving knowledge to large numbers of frontline responders.
OpenWHO is the first WHO platform to host unlimited users during health emergencies. It provides you with a fast and free way to obtain the latest scientific and operation know-how. With a dynamic interface, accessible through your computer and mobile device, OpenWHO offers off-line downloads, peer discussion boards and live briefings from ongoing health emergencies.
Available courses
- Antimicrobial Resistance Course Series
- Chemical and Biological Deliberate Events Course Series
- COVID-19 Course Series
- COVID-19 National Languages Course Series
- COVID-19 Vaccines Course Series
- Digital Health and Innovation Course Series
- End TB Course Series
- Get Social Course Series
- Go.Data Course Series
- Harmonized Health Facility Assessment Course Series
- Health Emergency Preparedness, Response and Resilience Course Series
- Healthier Populations Course Series
- Health Inequality Monitoring Course Series
- Infection Prevention and Control Course Series
- Infodemic Management Course Series
- Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response Course Series
- Neglected Tropical Diseases Course Series
- One Health Course Series
- Outbreak Course Series
- Preparing for Pandemics Course Series
- Prevention of and Response to Sexual Misconduct Course Series
- Ready for Response Course Series
- Scientific and Strategic Talks on COVID-19 Course Series
- Universal Health Coverage Course Series
Antimicrobial Resistance Course Series
- An introduction to the people-centred approach to addressing antimicrobial resistance in human health
- Monitoring and evaluation of national action plans on antimicrobial resistance
- 6 steps for sustainable implementation of national action plans on antimicrobial resistance
- 6 étapes essentielles pour la mise en œuvre pérenne des plans d’action nationaux pour combattre la résistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM)
- 6 pasos clave para la implementación sostenible de los planes nacionales de acción sobre la resistencia a los antimicrobianos
- WHO costing and budgeting tool for national action plans on antimicrobial resistance
- Outil de l’OMS pour le calcul des coûts et la budgétisation d’un PAN pour combattre la RAM
- Herramienta de la OMS para el cálculo de costos y presupuestos de los planes de acción nacionales sobre la resistencia a los antimicrobianos
- Antimicrobial stewardship programmes in health-care facilities in low- and middle-income countries: a WHO practical toolkit
- Programas de optimización de los antimicrobianos en instituciones sanitarias de los paises de ingresos bajos y medianos: manual práctico de la OMS
- Programe de gestionare optimă a antimicrobienelor în instituțiile medicale din țările cu venituri mici și medii: un set de instrumente practice al OMS
- Programmes pour le bon usage des antimicrobiens dans les établissements de santé dans les pays à revenu intermédiaire de la tranche inférieure : une boîte à outils pratique de l’OMS
- WHO Policy Guidance on Integrated Antimicrobial Stewardship Activities
- Les orientations de l’OMS sur les activités intégrées de bon usage des antimicrobiens
- Orientaciones normativas de la OMS sobre las actividades integrales para la optimización de los antimicrobianos
- Reducing antimicrobial resistance of treatable sexually transmitted infections in antenatal care
- Antimicrobial Stewardship: A competency-based approach
- Bon usage des antibiotiques: une approche par compétences
- Antimicrobial Stewardship: un approccio basato sulle competenze
- Программа СКАТ: компетентностный подход
- Optimización de los antimicrobianos: un método basado en competencias
- Контрола на антимикробната резистенција: пристап заснован на компетентност
- Antimikrobiyal Yönetim: Yetkinliğe Dayalı Bir Yaklaşım
Chemical and Biological Deliberate Events Course Series
- CBDE: Preparedness for Public Health Professionals
- CBDE: Preparedness for Health First Responders
- CBDE Awareness: Recognizing Signs of Deliberate Release of Chemical or Biological Agents
Clinical Management Course Series
- Introduction to oxygen systems
- WHO/ICRC Basic Emergency Care: Conflict-Related Injuries
- Medical Equipment Electrical Safety Testing
- WHO-ICRC Basic Emergency Care: approach to the acutely ill and injured
- COVID-19 respiratory equipment
- COVID-19 Module de formation sur les équipements respiratoires
- Учебный курс по использованию оборудования для поддержки дыхания
- Recognizing and managing anaphylaxis
- Identificación y manejo de la anafilaxia
- Reconhecer e gerir a anafilaxia
- Reconnaître et traiter l’anaphylaxie
- Распознавание анафилактического шока и оказание первой помощи
- التعرف على الحساسية المفرطة وإدارتها
- 识别和管理过敏性休克
- Clinical management of patients with COVID-19: Investigations and care for mild, moderate and severe disease
- Клиническое ведение пациентов с COVID-19: обследования и медицинская помощь при легком, среднетяжелом и тяжелом течении заболевания
- Clinical management of patients with COVID-19: Initial approach to the acutely ill patient
- Manejo clínico de pacientes con la COVID-19: Manejo inicial de pacientes con enfermedad aguda
- Клиническое ведение COVID-19: первая помощь тяжелобольным пациентам
- Clinical management of patients with COVID-19: Rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19
- 2019冠状病毒病患者的临床管理- 2019冠状病毒病患者的康复
- Клиническое ведение пациентов с COVID-19: Реабилитация пациентов с COVID-19
- Prise en charge clinique des patients atteints de la COVID-19: Réadaptation des patients atteints de la COVID-19
- Постапување во клинички услови со болни од КОВИД-19 – рехабилитација на болни од КОВИД-19
- Veprimi në kushte klinike me të sëmurë nga kovid-19 – Rehabilitimi i të sëmurëve me kovid-19
- Clinical management of patients with COVID-19: General considerations
- Клиничко управување со пациенти со КОВИД-19 – Општи согледби
- Menaxhimi klinik i pacientëve me KOVID-19 – Vështrimet e përgjithshme
- Клиническое ведение пациентов с COVID-19 – Общие положения
- WHO Clinical Care Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Training
- Formation de l’OMS sur la prise en charge clinique des infections Respiratoires Aiguës Sévères (SARI)
- Клиническое Ведение Тяжелой Острой Респираторной Инфекции
- Curso de curta duração da OMS em cuidados clínicos na infecção respiratória aguda grave
- Curso corto de capacitación de la OMS para manejo clínico de Infección Respiratoria Aguda Grave
- WHO Тренинг за Болничка нега на Сериозни Акутни Респираторни Инфекции
- الدورة التدريبية من منظمة الصحة العالمية حول الرعاية السريرية لالتهابات الجهاز التنفسي الحادة الوخيمة
- Ebola: Clinical management of Ebola virus disease
- Ebola: Prise en charge clinique des cas d’Ebola
- Ebola: Udhibiti wa kliniki ya ugonjwa wa virusi vya Ebola
- Clinical management of influenza
- Diphtheria: Clinical management of respiratory diphtheria
COVID-19 Course Series
- How systematic listening and community feedback can help us better respond to COVID-19
- COVID-19 national survey package
- Key considerations for SARS-CoV-2 antigen RDT implementation
- Engaging the private sector to deliver COVID-19 tools and achieve Health for All
- إشراك القطاع الخاص في تقديم أدوات مكافحة كوفيد-19 وتحقيق الصحة للجميع
- جلب مشارکت بخش خصوصی برای ارائه ابزار کووید-19 و تحقق سلامت برای همگان
- Comprometer al sector privado para proporcionar las herramientas de la COVID-19 y lograr la consecución de la Sanidad para todos
- Encourager le secteur privé à fournir les outils contre la COVID-19 et à atteindre l’objectif de Santé pour tous
- Привлечение частного сектора для внедрения инструментов для борьбы с COVID-19 и достижения цели «Здоровье для всех»
- SocialNet: Social and behavioural insights COVID-19 data collection tool
- SocialNet: Outil de collecte des données COVID-19 sur les observations sociales et comportementales
- SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid diagnostic testing
- Диагностический экспресс-тест на антигены SARS-CoV-2
- Prueba de diagnóstico rápido del antígeno del SARS-CoV-2
- الاختبارات التشخيصية السريعة لمولد الضد لفيروس كورونا-سارس-2
- Санҷиши оҷилии ташхиси подзо (антиген) нисбат ба SARS-CoV-2
- COVID-19: risk communication and community engagement
- کووید-19: چالشهای ارتباطات خطر و مشارکت اجتماعی
- COVID-19 and work: Staying healthy and safe at work during the COVID-19 pandemic
- COVID-19と労働:COVID-19流行下の職場における健康と安全性の維持
- Management and Facilitation of a Country COVID-19 Intra-Action Review (IAR)
- Управление и координация при проведении обзора осуществляемых мер (ООМ) по COVID-19 на страновом уровне
- Gestión y facilitación de una evaluación interna durante la aplicación de las medidas adoptadas en el país frente a la COVID-19 (EIDA)
- Gestion et facilitation d’une revue intra-action (RIA) de la COVID-19 dans un pays
- إدارة وتيسير الاستعراض المرحلي لإجراءات مكافحة كوفيد-19 على الصعيد القُطري
- Occupational health and safety for health workers in the context of COVID-19
- Salud y seguridad ocupacionales para profesionales de la salud en el contexto de la COVID-19
- Santé et sécurité au travail pour les professionnels de la santé dans un contexte de pandémie de COVID-19
- WHO COVID-19 Mass Gatherings Risk Assessment Training
- Formation de l’OMS sur l’évaluation des risques liés à la COVID-19 dans les rassemblements de masse
- Introduction to COVID-19: methods for detection, prevention, response and control
- Virus respiratoires émergents, y compris le COVID-19 : méthodes de détection, de prévention, de réponse et de contrôle
- 新发呼吸道病毒—包括新型冠状病毒:检测、预防、应对和控制
- Introducción a la COVID-19: métodos de detección, prevención, respuesta y control
- مقدمة لكوفيد-19 : طرق الكشف والوقاية والاستجابة والمكافحة
- Введение: COVID-19, способы диагностики, профилактики, лечения и контроля
- Εισαγωγή στην COVID-19: μέθοδοι ανίχνευσης, πρόληψης, απόκρισης και ελέγχου
- ePROTECT Respiratory Infections (EN)
- ePROTECT Infections Respiratoires (FR)
- ePROTECT: респираторные инфекции
- ePROTECT呼吸道感染
- ePROTECT Infecciones Respiratorias (ES)
- ePROTECT حالات العدوى التنفسية
- COVID-19: Operational Planning Guidelines and COVID-19 Partners Platform to support country preparedness and response
- COVID-19 : Lignes directrices en matière de planification opérationnelle et Plateforme des Partenaires pour accompagner la préparation et la riposte des pays face au COVID-19
- COVID-19: Руководство по оперативному планированию и партнерская платформа по COVID-19 для поддержки готовности и мер реагирования на страновом уровне
- 新冠肺炎:支持国家准备和应对的行动计划指导方针和新冠肺炎合作伙伴平台
- كوفيد-19: المبادئ التوجيهية للتخطيط التشغيلي، ومنصة الشركاء في مواجهة كوفيد-19 الرامية إلى دعم التأهب والاستجابة القُطريين
- Directrices de planificación operativa para la COVID-19 y plataforma de los asociados para apoyar la preparación y la respuesta de los países ante la COVID-19
- Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) Treatment Facility Design
- تصميم مرفق لعلاج التهابات الجهاز التنفسي الحادة الوخيمة ساري
- Обустройство медицинских учреждений, специализирующихся на лечении тяжелых острых респираторных инфекций (ТОРИ)
- Diseño de centros para el tratamiento de los síndromes respiratorios agudos graves (SRAG)
- Conception et installation d’un centre de traitement des Infections Respiratoires Aigües et Sévère (IRAS)
- Conception et installation d’un centre de traitement des Infections Respiratoires Aigües et Sévère (IRAS)
COVID-19 National Languages Course Series
- چگونگی کمک شنیدار اجتماعی و بازخورد اجتماع به ارائه پاسخ بهتر به کووید-19
- Envolver o setor privado para fornecer ferramentas para a COVID-19 e alcançar a Saúde para Todos
- Teste de deteção rápida do antigénio SARS-CoV-2
- Gestão clínica de pacientes com COVID-19: Abordagem inicial ao paciente com doença aguda
- Gestão e facilitação de uma análise intra-ação (IAR) da COVID-19 a nível de país
- Заштита и безбедност при работа кај здравствени работници во контекст на КОВИД-19
- Saúde ocupacional e segurança para profissionais de saúde no contexto da COVID-19
- Afya na usalama mahala pa kazi kwa wafanyakazi wa huduma za afya katika muktadha wa Korona (COVID-19)
- COVID-19流行下における医療従事者の労働安全衛生
- Здраве и безопасност при работа за здравните работници в контекста на COVID-19
- COVID-19 bağlamında sağlık çalışanları için iş sağlığı ve güvenliği
- Vírus respiratórios emergentes, incluindo COVID-19: métodos de detecção, prevenção, resposta e controle
- COVID-2019 dahil, ortaya çıkan solunum yolu virüsleri: tanı yöntemleri, önleyici tedbirler, cevap ve kontrol
- ویروس های تنفسی نوظهور، که شامل COVID-19 می شود
- Novonastali respiratorni virusi, uključujući COVID-19: metode za otkrivanje, prevenciju, odgovor i kontrolu
- Појава на вируси на дишните патишта, вклучувајќи го и КOВИД-19: методи за откривање, спречување, реакција и контрола
- A COVID-19 és más új légzőszervi vírusok: felismerés, megelőzés és kezelés módszerei
- سانس کے نئے وائرس، جن میں کووڈ-19 بھی شامل ہے: ان کو بھانپنے، روکنے، مقابلے اور قابو پانے کے طریقے
- Virusi vinavyoibuka vya mfumo wa upumuaji ikiwemo COVID-19: njia za kutambua, kuzuia, kukabiliana na janga na kudhibiti
- ኮቪድ-19ን ጨምሮ አዳዲስ የመተንፈሻ አካላት ቫይረሶችን የመለየት፣ የመከላከል፣ ምላሽ የመስጠትና እና መቆጣጠርያ ዘዴዎች
- Gabatarwa akan COVID-19: hanyoyin ganewa, kariya, taimakawa da kulawa
- Neu auftretende Atemwegsviren, einschließlich COVID-19: Methoden zur Erkennung, Prävention, Reaktion und Kontrolle
- Àwọn kòkòrò mímí tí ń jẹyọ, èyí pẹ̀lú COVID-19: àwọn ìlànà fún ìdámọ̀, ìdènà, ìdáhùn àti ìdarí
- ਸਾਹ ਦੇ ਉੱਭਰ ਰਹੇ ਵਾਇਰਸ ਕੋਵਿਡ-19 : ਖੋਜ, ਰੋਕਥਾਮ, ਪ੍ਰਤੀਕਿਰਿਆ ਅਤੇ ਨਿਯੰਤਰਣ ਦੇ ਢੰਗ
- Nje ọrịa iku ume ndị na apụta, gụnyere COVID-19: ụzọ ndị esi achọpụta ya, mgbochi, nzaghachi na njikwa
- Amagciwane okuphefumula amasha, okubandakanya i-COVID-19: izindlela zokuwathola, ukuwavimba, ukusabela kuwo nokuwalawula
- Vaayirasoota qaamota hargansuu mul’achaa jiran, COVID-19 dabalatee: maloota argannoo, ittisaa, deebii fi to’annoo
- ڤایرۆسەکانی کۆئەندامی هەناسەدان، لە نێویاندا کۆڤید-١٩: ڕێگاکانی دەستنیشانکردن، ڕێگریکردن، وەڵامدانەوە و کۆنتڕۆڵکردن
- Nyawji banguɗi daaranɗi pofɗe, mooɓangou COVID-19: laabi heptugo, faddaago, hurgugo be durugo nyawji man
- Ievadkurss par Covid-19: noteikšanas metodes, profilakse, reaģēšana un kontrole
- Enkonduko pri KOVIM-19: metodoj por detekto, prevento, reago kaj kontrolo
- Chingamidzo kuCOVID-19: mitowo yekutsvaka, kudzivirira, kudavira uye nekudzoredzera hutachiona.
- Entwodiksyon pou COVID-19: metòd pou deteksyon, prevansyon, repons ak kontwòl
- ePROTECT Infecções Respiratórias (PT)
- ePROTECT Infeksione respiratore
- ePROTECT Респираторни Инфекции
- COVID-19: Diretrizes de planejamento operacional e plataforma de parceiros para apoiar a preparação e a resposta do país à COVID-19
- Projeto de Unidade de Tratamento de Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave (SRAG)
- Progettazione delle strutture per il trattamento da infezione respiratoria acuta grave
- Progettazione delle strutture per il trattamento da infezione respiratoria acuta grave
COVID-19 Vaccines Course Series
- Implementing active safety surveillance for medicines and vaccines
- Guidance on Operational Microplanning for COVID-19 Vaccination
- Discover your leadership moment
- Learning how to use the COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction and deployment Costing (CVIC) tool
- Алатка CVIC –користење на алатката за процена на трошоците за воведување и распределба на вакцините против КОВИД-19
- COVID-19 vaccine-specific resources
- Formation spécifique aux vaccins contre la COVID-19
- COVID-19疫苗特定培训
- Обучающий курс по вакцинам от COVID-19
- Recursos específicos da vacina contra a COVID-19
- Formación sobre vacunas específicas frente a la COVID-19
- تدريب خاص بلقاحات كوفيد-19
- Orientation to national deployment and vaccination planning for COVID-19 vaccines
- Ориентација за планирање на распределбата и вакцинацијата на национално ниво за вакцините против КОВИД-19
- COVID-19疫苗国家部署和接种计划情况介绍
- Orientações para o Plano Nacional de Distribuição de vacinas e Vacinação contra a COVID-19
- Ознакомление с планированием развертывания национальной программы вакцинации от COVID-19
- Orientations sur l’élaboration d’un plan national de déploiement et de vaccination applicable aux vaccins contre la COVID-19
- Guía para el despliegue nacional y planificación de la vacunación de la COVID-19
- التوجه نحو تخطيط ونشر وطني لإعطاء لقاحات كوفيد-19
- COVID-19 vaccination training for health workers
- Курс подготовки медработников к вакцинации от COVID-19
- Обука за вакцинација против КОВИД-19 за здравствени работници
- 2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)疫苗接种医务人员培训
- تدريب العاملين الصحيين على التطعيم ضد كوفيد-19
- Capacitación para personal sanitario sobre vacunación contra la COVID-19
- Formation du personnel de santé à la vaccination contre la COVID-19
- Formação dos trabalhadores da saúde para a vacinação contra a COVID-19
- Formação dos trabalhadores da saúde para a vacinação contra a COVID-19
Digital Health and Innovation Course Series
- Integrating ethics and governance into the design of artificial intelligence tools for health. Case study: Cervical cancer screening
- Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence for Health
End TB Course Series
- Management of tuberculosis in children and adolescents – programmatic considerations
- Social protection for people affected by tuberculosis: an introduction
- Management of tuberculosis in children and adolescents for health care workers
- Tuberculosis and Mental Health
- National Strategic Planning for tuberculosis
- Planification stratégique nationale de la lutte contre la tuberculose
- Systematic screening for tuberculosis disease
- Dépistage systématique de la tuberculose-maladie
- Систематический скрининг на туберкулез
- Understanding and using WHO guidelines on tuberculosis
- Rapid diagnostics for tuberculosis detection
- Métodos de diagnóstico rápido para detectar la tuberculosis
- Tests de diagnostic rapide pour la détection de la tuberculose
- Tuberculosis preventive treatment
- Traitement préventif de la tuberculose
- Tratamiento preventivo de la TB
- Профилактическое лечение туберкулеза
- Drug-resistant tuberculosis: how to interpret rapid molecular test results
- Лекарственно-устойчивый туберкулез: интерпретация результатов быстрых молекулярных тестов
- Awareness raising, risk communication, mobilisation and meaningful engagement of community to end TB
- Counselling of individuals at risk of TB
- Nonclinical management of TB preventive treatment
- Support of active TB case-finding
- Supported TB treatment observation
- Managing loss to follow-up and TB preventing treatment interruption
- Individual needs assessment during TB treatment
- Mental health and psychological counselling and support for people with TB
- TB case management: non-clinical
- Material support for people with TB
- Health education and counselling of people with TB
- Post-TB treatment social support and/or rehabilitation
- Costing methodology for the standardised package of community-based support services to improve TB outcomes
Get Social Course Series
- SocialNet: Empowering communities before, during, and after an infectious disease outbreak
- Расширение прав и возможностей сообществ до, во время и после вспышек инфекционных заболеваний
- تمكين المجتمعات قبل وأثناء وبعد تفشي الأمراض المعدية
- Capacitar a las comunidades antes, durante y después de un brote de enfermedad infecciosa
- Autonomiser les communautés avant, pendant et après une épidémie de maladie infectieuse
- 在传染病暴发之前、期间及之后赋权增能社区
- Migration and Health: Enhancing Intercultural Competence and Diversity Sensitivity
- 风险沟通须知
- أساسيات التواصل بشأن المخاطر
- Risk communication essentials (English/Portuguese)
- Communication sur les risques
- Comunicação de risco: Recursos para trabalhadores na linha de frente
- Risk communication for Zika virus disease
- ဘေးအန္တရာယ်ဆက်သွယ်ရေးဆိုင်ရာ မရှိမဖြစ်များ (English/Portuguese)
Go.Data Course Series
Harmonized Health Facility Assessment Course Series
- Harmonized Health Facility Assessment introduction
- HHFA indicators, questionnaires, and country adaptation
- HHFA data collection training of trainers
- HHFA data analysis platform
- HHFA data review, interpretation, and communication
Health Emergency Preparedness, Response and Resilience Course Series
- Advancing national civil-military collaboration to strengthen health emergency preparedness
- The Role of Parliaments and Parliamentarians in Strengthening Health Security Preparedness
- Le Rôle des Parlements et des Parlementaires dans le Renforcement de la Préparation à la Sécurité Sanitaire
- El Papel de los Parlamentos y los Parlamentarios en el Fortalecimiento de la Preparación para la Seguridad Sanitaria
- Роль парламентов и парламентариев в укреплении готовности к угрозам санитарно-эпидемиологической безопасности
- 议会和议员在加强卫生安全防范方面的作用
- دور البرلمانات والبرلمانيين في تعزيز التأهب في مجال الأمن الصحي
- National Action Plans for Health Security (NAPHS): Leveraging WHO’s new integrated and holistic planning approach
- Supporting the development of Pandemic Fund proposals – Introductory webinar recordings
- Soutenir le développement de propositions du Fonds de lutte contre la pandémie – enregistrements webinaires
- Apoyo para la elaboración de propuestas dirigidas al Fondo para pandemias: grabaciones de seminarios web
- Supporting the development of Pandemic Fund proposals – Weekly follow-up webinar recordings
- WHO AFRO Virtual sensitization consultation on the Pandemic Fund
Healthier Populations Course Series
- Social Determinants of Health Equity: concepts and evidence
- How to develop and sustain healthy cities in 20 steps
- Global Nutrition Targets Tracking Tool
- Air pollution and health: an introduction for health workers
- Oral Health Training Course for Community Health Workers in Africa
- Cours de formation sur la santé bucco-dentaire à l’intention des agents de santé communautaires en Afrique
- Curso de formação em saúde oral para agentes comunitários de saúde em África
- Environment, climate change and health for practitioners and actors guiding policy change
- Hypothesis-driven approach: Problem solving in the context of global health
- 假设驱动的方法: 解决全球公共卫生问题
- Foresight Approaches in Global Public Health
- Monitoring methodologies for diet-related regulatory interventions to support a healthy food environment
- Social prescribing
- 社会处方
- Healthy and safe telework
- Réglementation des produits du tabac: renforcement des capacités d’essai des laboratoires
- Tobacco product regulation: Building laboratory testing capacity
- Регулирование табачных изделий: Руководство по созданию условий для проведения лабораторных испытаний
- Tobacco product regulation: Basic handbook
- Réglementation des produits du tabac : manuel de base
- Регулирование табачных изделий: Основное руководство
- Healthy Ageing for Impact in the 21st Century: Global Online Leaders Training
Health Inequality Monitoring Course Series
- Inequality analysis using Excel: Disaggregated data
- Inequality analysis using R: Disaggregated data from surveys
- Inequality analysis using Stata: Disaggregated data from surveys
- Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT and HEAT Plus)
- Inequality monitoring in sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health
- Health inequality monitoring foundations: Overview
- Health inequality monitoring foundations: Data sources
- Health inequality monitoring foundations: Health data disaggregation
- Health inequality monitoring foundations: Summary measures of health inequality
- Health inequality monitoring foundations: Reporting
- Inequality monitoring in HIV, tuberculosis and malaria
- Inequality monitoring in immunization
Infection Prevention and Control Course Series
- Infection prevention and control measures in health-care settings for Ebola or Marburg disease outbreaks
- Learning to deliver training in IPC and environmental cleaning for health care facilities in low-and-middle-income countries
- Health-care associated infection surveillance
- Prevention of vascular catheters-associated bloodstream infections
- Prevention of antimicrobial resistance and infection prevention and control
- Outbreak investigations in health facilities
- Sağlık kurumlarında salgın incelemesi
- Surgical site infections
- შესავალი ინფექციის პრევენციასა და კონტროლში (იპკ)
- Enfeksiyon Önleme ve Kontrolüne (EÖK) Giriş
- Prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections
- Infection Prevention and Control in Maternal and Neonatal Care
- სტანდარტული უსაფრთხოების ზომები: ინდივიდუალური დაცვის საშუალებების როლი
- Standard precautions: The role of personal protective equipment
- Transmission-based Precautions
- გადაცემის გზებზე დაფუძნებული უსაფრთხოების ზომები
- Introduction to Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)
- Вовед во Превенција и контрола на инфекции (ПКИ)
- Leadership and programme management in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)
- Leadership et gestion de programme en prévention et contrôle des infections (PCI)
- Udhëheqësia dhe menaxhimi i programit për Parandalimin dhe Kontrollin e Infeksionit
- Лидерство и управување со програми во превенција и контрола на инфекции (ПКИ)
- Long-term care facilities in the context of COVID-19
- Установите за долготрајна нега во контекст на КОВИД-19
- Qendrat e kujdesit afatgjatë për COVID-19
- Заведения по оказанию долгосрочного ухода в условиях COVID-19
- Les établissements de soins de longue durée et la COVID-19
- Infection prevention and control for COVID-19 in health care and community settings
- Standard precautions: Hand hygiene
- Précautions standards : Hygiène des mains
- Precauções básicas: higienização das mãos
- الإجراءات الوقائية القياسية: نظافة اليدين
- Стандартные меры предосторожности: Гигиена рук
- Precauciones básicas: Higiene de las manos
- 标准预防措施:手部卫生
- Standart önlemler: El hijyeni
- Masat paraprake standarde: Higjiena e duarve
- Стандардни мерки на претпазливост: хигиена на раце
- უსაფრთხოების სტანდარტული ზომები: ხელის ჰიგიენა
- Standard precautions: Waste management
- Стандартные меры предосторожности: обращение с отходами
- Стандардни мерки на претпазливост: Управување со отпад
- სტანდარტული უსაფრთხოების ზომები – ნარჩენების მართვა
- Decontamination and sterilization of medical devices
- Деконтаминация и стерилизация медицинских изделий
- Деконтаминација и стерилизација на медицински помагала
- სამედიცინო ხელსაწყოების გაუვნებელყოფა და სტერილიზაცია
- Standard precautions: Environmental cleaning and disinfection
- Стандардни мерки на претпазливост: чистење и дезинфекција на средината
- სტანდარტული უსაფრთხოების ზომები: გარემოს გაწმენდა-დასუფთავება და დეზინფექცია
- Standard precautions: Injection safety and needle-stick injury management
- Стандардни мерки на претпазливост : безбедно инјектирање и Управување со повреди од игла
- სტანდარტული უსაფრთხოების ზომები: ინექციის უსაფრთხოება და ნემსის ჩხვლეტით განპირობებული დაზიანების მართვა
- Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) core components and multimodal strategies
- ინფექციის პრევენციისა და კონტროლის (იპკ) ძირითადი კომპონენტები & მულტიმოდალური სტრატეგიები
- Основные компоненты и мультимодальные стратегии ПИИК
- Основни компоненти за ПКИ и мултимодални стратегии
- Basic microbiology
- Основна микробиологија
Infodemic Management Course Series
- Infodemic Management: Working effectively as an infodemic manager in the field
- Gestion d’infodémie : Travailler efficacement sur le terrain
- Gestión de la infodemia: Trabajar eficazmente como gestor de la infodemia en el terreno
- Infodemic Management: Using human-centered design good practices
- Gestion d’infodémie : bonnes pratiques d’approche centrée sur l’humain
- Gestión de la infodemia: Uso de buenas prácticas de diseño centrado en personas
- Infodemic Management: Defining a taxonomy for social listening
- Gestion d’infodémie : Définir une taxonomie d’écoute sociale
- Infodemic Management: Social marketing and message testing methods
- Gestion d’infodémie : Méthodes de marketing social et de test des messages
- Gestión de la infodemia: Métodos de marketing social y comprobación de mensajes
- Infodemic Management: Addressing health misinformation and disinformation
- Gestion d’infodémie : Lutter contre la mésinformation et la désinformation en matière de santé
- Gestión de la infodemia: Manejo de la información errónea y la desinformación de la salud
- Infodemic management: Developing an infodemic insights report
- Gestion d’infodémie : Élaboration d’un rapport sur les connaissances infodémiques
- Gestión de la infodemia: Elaboración de un informe sobre percepciones infodémicas
- Infodemic management 101
- Manejo de la infodemia 101
- إدارة الوباء المعلوماتي 101
- Gestion d’infodémie 101
Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response Course Series
- AFRO IDSR Course 1: Introduction to IDSR Technical Guidelines 3rd Edition
- AFRO IDSR Course 2: Identifying, recording, reporting and analysis of priority diseases, conditions and events
- AFRO IDSR Course 3: Investigating, preparing and responding to outbreaks and other public health events
- AFRO IDSR Course 4: Monitor, supervise, evaluate and use electronic tools in the implementation of the IDSR Strategy
- AFRO IDSR Course 5: Application of Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) strategy to Emergency or Fragile Health System contexts
- AFRO SIMR Cours 1: Introduction aux cours de formation de la SIMR en ligne pour l’AFRO et à son guide technique, 3e édition
- AFRO SIMR Cours 2: Identification, enregistrement, signalement et analyse des maladies, affections et événements prioritaires
- AFRO SIMR Cours 3: Enquêter, élaborer et répondre aux épidémies et aux autres événements de santé publique
- AFRO SIMR Cours 4: Suivre, superviser, évaluer et utiliser des outils électroniques dans la mise en œuvre de la stratégie SIMR
- AFRO SIMR Cours 5: Application de la stratégie intégrée de surveillance et de riposte aux maladies (SIMR) aux contextes de système de santé d’urgence ou fragile
- Curso 1: Introdução às Orientações Técnicas VIDR na região Africana (3ª Edição)
- Curso 2 AFRO VIDR: Identificação, registo, comunicação e análise de doenças, condições e ocorrências prioritárias
Neglected Tropical Diseases Course Series
- Atopic dermatitis with focus on Sub-Saharan Africa: Training for national and district-level health workers
- Dermatite atopique en Afrique subsaharienne: formation pour les agents de santé au niveau national et des districts
- Psoriasis
- Clinical management of dengue patients in the South-East Asia Region
- Resources for control and management of cystic echinococcosis
- Lymphatic Filariasis Morbidity Management and Disability Prevention
- Wound management in resource-limited settings: Training for national and district-level health workers
- Sweating and Prosthesis Care: Evidence, Experience, Pearls and Gaps
- The ABCs of Diagnosing Hyperhidrosis
- Skin and Migration: Training for national, district-level, and front-line health workers
- Microplanning to guide implementation of preventive chemotherapy to control and eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Sporotrichosis: Training for national and district-level health workers
- Superficial Fungal Infections: Training of health workers at national and district levels on skin-NTDs
- Toolbox for the control and management of Taenia solium
- Boîte à outils pour le contrôle et la gestion de Taenia solium
- Chromoblastomycosis: Training for national and district-level health workers
- Cromoblastomicose: um treinamento para profissionais de saúde a nível nacional e distrital
- Cromoblastomicosis: Capacitación para trabajadores de la salud a nivel nacional y regional
- Public Health and Pesticides
- Neglected Tropical Diseases Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
- Buruli ulcer: training of health workers at national and district levels on skin-NTDs
- Ulcère de Buruli : formation des agents de santé au niveau national et des districts sur les MTN cutanées
- One Health in action against Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Sustainability framework for action against NTDs 2021–2030
- Road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030
- Onchocerciasis: training of health workers at national and district levels on skin-NTDs
- Noma: training of health workers at national and district levels on skin-NTDs
- Noma : formation des agents de santé nationaux et de district sur les maladies tropicales négligées à manifestation cutanée
- Noma: formação de profissionais de saúde a nível nacional e distrital em doenças tropicais negligenciadas da pele
- Noma: horar da ma’aikatan lafiya a matakin ƙasa da gundumomi akan fata-NTDs
- Safety in administering medicines for neglected tropical diseases
- La sécurité dans l’administration de médicaments pour les maladies tropicales négligées
- Seguridad en la administración de medicamentos para enfermedades tropicales desatendidas
- Visceral leishmaniasis East Africa
- Tropical Dermatology: a syndrome-based approach
- Тропическая дерматология: синдромальный подход
- Dermatologia Tropical: Uma Abordagem Baseada em Síndrome
- Dermatología tropical: Un enfoque basado en el síndrome
- Supply chain management of NTD health products for NTD programmes
- Leprosy: training of health workers on skin-NTDs
- Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis: training of health workers on skin-NTDs
- الجُذام: تدريب العاملين الصحيين على أمراض المناطق المدارية المهملة التي تُصيب الجلد
- Bouba: Formação de profissionais de saúde a nível nacional e distrital sobre as doenças tropicais negligenciadas (DTN) de pele
- Pian: Entrenamiento de trabajadores de la salud a nivel nacional y comunitario sobre ETD de la piel
- Le pian : formation des agents de santé au niveau national et des districts sur les MTN cutanées
- Yaws: Training of health workers at national and districts levels on skin-NTDs
- Rabies & One Health: From basics to cross-sectoral action to stop human rabies deaths
- La rage & “Une seule santé” : Des principes fondamentaux à l’action intersectorielle pour arrêter les décès dus à la rage humaine
- Бешенство и единое здравоохранение: от основных принципов к межсекторальным действиям, чтобы остановить смертность от бешенства среди людей
- داء الكَلَب ونهج الصحة الواحدة: من الأساسيات حتى العمل المشترك بين القطاعات لأجل إنهاء الوفَيَات البشرية الناجمة عن داء الكَلَب
- Mycetoma: Training of health workers at national and district levels on skin-NTDs
- Micetoma: capacitación para los trabajadores de la salud a nivel nacional y regional sobre enfermedades cutáneas tropicales desatendidas.
- الوَرَم الفُطْرِيّ: تدريب العاملين الصحيين على المستوى الوطني ومستوى المناطق حول أمراض المناطق المدارية المهملة التي تُصيب الجلد
- Scabies: Training of health workers at national and district levels on skin-NTDs
- La gale: Formation des agents de santé aux niveaux national et du district sur les MTN à manifestation cutanée
- Чесотка. Тренинг для медицинских работников национального и районного уровней на тему «Кожные ЗТБ»
- Sarna o escabiosis: Formación para trabajadores de salud de nivel nacional y de distrito
- الجرب: تدريب العاملين الصحيين على المستوى الوطني وعلى مستوى المناطق على التعامل مع أمراض المناطق المدارية المهملة التي تُصيب الجلد
- Escabiose: Treinamento dos profissionais da saúde a nível nacional e distrital sobre DTNs da pele
- Sarna o escabiosi: Formació per a professionals sanitaris sobre malalties tropicals desateses de la pell
- እከክ፡ በፌደራል እና በወረዳ ደረጃ የጤና ባለሙያዎች የቆዳ ላይ ትኩረትን የሚሹ የሃሩራማ አካባቢ በሽታዎች ስልጠና
- Tungiasis – Sand Flea disease: Training of health workers at national and district levels on skin-NTDs
- Tungíase – bicho-de-pé – Treinamento para profissionais da saúde nos níveis nacional e municipal
- Formación sobre la tungiasis (enfermedad parasitaria de la pulga de arena) para personal sanitario nacional y regional
- Tungose – maladie de la puce de sable – formation pour les agents de santé aux niveaux national et du district
- Podoconiosis: Training of health workers at national and district levels on skin-NTDs
- ተላላፊ ያልሆነው የዝሆኔ በሽታ ፖዶኮኒኦሲስ በፌደራል እና በወረዳ ደረጃ የጤና ባለሙያዎች ስልጠና
- Neglected tropical diseases in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: impact and guidance
- أمراض المناطق المدارية المهملة في سياق جائحة كوفيد-19: الأثر والإرشادات
- Maladies tropicales négligées dans le contexte de la pandémie COVID-19 : impact et conseils
- Enfermedades tropicales desatendidas en el contexto de la pandemia COVID-19: impacto y directrices
- Doenças tropicais negligenciadas no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19: impactos e orientações
One Health Course Series
- Response Preparedness for Zoonotic Disease Outbreaks Using a One-Health Approach
- Navigating the Tripartite Zoonoses Guide (TZG): A training for advocates and implementers
- The Joint Risk Assessment (JRA OT): A Training for Implementers
- Strengthening collaboration between human and animal health sectors for improved health security
Outbreak Course Series
- Investigation and management of a yellow fever outbreak
- Enquête et gestion d’une épidémie de fièvre jaune
- The fundamentals of yellow fever disease, surveillance and laboratory diagnosis
- Principes fondamentaux de la maladie de la fièvre jaune, surveillance et diagnostic en laboratoire
- Introduction to Dengue
- Mpox and the 2022-2023 global outbreak
- La variole simienne et l’épidémie mondiale de 2022-2023
- La viruela símica y el brote mundial de 2022-2023
- Ebola and Marburg diseases screening and treatment center design
- Cholera Outbreaks: Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Measles and rubella outbreak preparedness and response in SEARO
- Introduction to Nipah virus disease
- Cholera: Introduction
- ہیضہ: تعارُف
- Cólera: Introdução
- ہیضہ: تعارف
- Choléra : Introduction
- Mpox: Introductory course for African outbreak contexts
- Variole du singe : Cours d’introduction aux contextes d’épidémies en Afrique
- 猴痘:非洲爆发背景介绍课程
- Viruela del mono: Curso de introducción para contextos de brotes africanos
- Varíola dos macacos: Curso introdutório para contextos de surto africanos
- Оспа обезьян: вводный курс в связи со вспышкой заболевания в Африке
- جُدري القردة: دورة تدريبية تمهيدية حول سياقات الفاشيات الإفريقية
- Mpox: Dis na Introductory course for African outbreak contexts
- Mpox: Epidemiology, preparedness and response for African outbreak contexts
- Variole du singe : Épidémiologie, préparation et réponse aux contextes d’épidémies en Afrique
- Viruela del mono: Epidemiología, preparación y respuesta en contextos de brotes africanos
- Оспа обезьян: эпидемиология, готовность и меры реагирования в контексте вспышки заболевания в Африке
- الخصائص الوبائية لجدري القردة، وكيفية التأهب والاستجابة له: تدريب للمستوى المتوسط
- Varíola dos macacos: Epidemiologia da varíola dos macacos, preparação e resposta para contextos de surto africanos
- 应对非洲猴痘爆发背景的流行病学、防范和应对。
- Introduction to the International Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provision (ICG) and ICG mechanism to release emergency vaccines
- Measles outbreak training
- Curso de formación sobre brotes de sarampión
- Introduction to Marburg Virus Disease
- Introduction à la maladie à virus Marburg
- Introducción a la Enfermedad por el Virus de Marburgo
- Utangulizi wa Ugonjwa wa Virusi vya Marburg
- Weche motelo e tuo mar kute mag Marburg
- Umutwe w’amajambo: Intangamarara ku ngwara iterwa n’umugera wa Mariburu
- Strengthen internal and external audits of measles rubella laboratory performance in the South-East Asia Region (SEAR) network
- Ebola: Utangulizi
- Ebola: Introduction
- Introduction à Ebola
- Ebola: Ebandeli
- Ebola: Knowledge resources for responders
- Ebola : Ressources de connaissances pour les intervenants
- Public health interventions in pandemics and epidemics
- Interventions de santé publique dans les pandémies et les épidémies
- Pandemic and epidemic-prone diseases
- Maladies pandémiques et épidémiques
- الكوليرا: مقدمة
- Gabatarwa ga cutar kolera
- Cholera: Revised cholera kits and calculation tool
- Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever: Introduction
- حُمَّى القرم-الكونغو النزفيَّة: مقدّمة
- Lassa fever: Introduction
- Fièvre de Lassa : Introduction
- Leptospirosis: Introduction (English/Maraba/Makonde)
- Leptospirose : Introduction
- Homa ya mgunda (Leptospirosis): Utangulizi
- Meningitis: Introduction
- Méningite : Introduction
- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome: Introduction
- MERS: methods for detection, prevention, response and control
- MERS : Méthodes de détection, prévention, intervention et contrôle
- متلازمة الشرق الأوسط التنفسية: طرق الكشف والوقاية والاستجابة والسيطرة
- Introduction to Poliomyelitis and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative
- Introduction à la poliomyélite et à l’Initiative mondiale pour l’éradication de la poliomyélite
- Plague: Introduction
- Plague: Knowledge resources for responders (English/Malagasy)
- Peste : Ressources de connaissances pour les intervenants
- Rift Valley fever: Introduction
- Fièvre de la vallée du Rift : Introduction
- Zika: Introduction
Preparing for Pandemics Course Series
- Use of Epidemic Intelligence systems with a particular focus on event-based surveillance for pandemic preparedness
- Avian and other zoonotic influenza: Introduction
- Influenza prevention and control
- Prevenção e controle da influenza
- Prevención y control de la influenza
- Prévention et lutte contre la grippe
- Профилактика и контроль гриппа
- الوقاية من الإنفلونزا ومكافحتها
- 流感预防和控制
- Parandalimi dhe kontrolli i gripit
- WHO EMRO/UNSSC Leadership Programme on Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Response – COVID-19 Pandemic Cohort
- Flutool Plus – using the WHO Seasonal Influenza Immunisation Costing Tool
- Pandemic Influenza Vaccines: National Deployment and Vaccination Plans
- Influenza sentinel surveillance training
- Pandemic Influenza Severity Assessment (PISA)
- Pandemic influenza: Introduction
- Grippe pandémique : Introduction
- Seasonal influenza: Introduction
- Grippe saisonnière : Introduction
- Estimating the burden of seasonal influenza
- Grippe aviaire et autres grippes zoonotiques : Introduction
- Risk communication for influenza events (English/Français/Español)
Prevention of and Response to Sexual Misconduct Course Series
- Preventing and responding to sexual misconduct by our implementing partners: Introductory course
- Prevention & response to sexual exploitation & abuse for public health practitioners in Ukraine
- Assessing and Mitigating Risks of Sexual Misconduct at WHO Country Offices and in Technical/Normative Programmes
- Évaluation et atténuation des risques d’inconduite sexuelle dans les bureaux pays de l’OMS et dans les programmes techniques/normatifs
- تقييم مخاطر سوء السلوك الجنسي والتخفيف من آثارها على مستوى المكاتب القطرية التابعة لمنظمة الصحة العالمية وفي البرامج التقنية/المعيارية
- WHO’s New Policy and Strategy on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconduct
- Introduction to the clinical management of rape and intimate partner violence in humanitarian settings
- Introduction à la prise en charge clinique du viol et de la violence exercée par un partenaire intime dans les contextes humanitaires
- Mental health and psychosocial support: Clinical management of rape and intimate partner violence in humanitarian settings
- Soutien en matière de santé mentale et soutien psychosocial : Prise en charge clinique du viol et de la violence exercée par un partenaire intime en milieu humanitaire
- Management of intimate partner violence in humanitarian settings
- Prise en charge de la violence exercée par un partenaire intime dans le cadre humanitaire
- First line support: Clinical management of rape and intimate partner violence in humanitarian settings
- Soutien de première ligne : Prise en charge clinique du viol et de la violence exercée par un partenaire intime en milieu humanitaire
- Clinical management of rape
- Prise en charge clinique du viol
- #NoExcuse Webinar Series
- The new UN mandatory training on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA)
Ready for Response Course Series
- Accountability to Affected People in WHO Health Emergencies
- Introduction to the Emergency Response Framework (ERF)
- Taking Sex and Gender into account in Infectious Disease Programmes
- Health Emergency Readiness for Response Operations
- Whole-of-Society Approach to Creating Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Cities: Harnessing South-South Cooperation for a Post-COVID Era
- WHO Mobile Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) installation
- The Food Insecurity and Health Readiness and Response Strategic Framework
- Insécurité alimentaire et santé: Un cadre stratégique de préparation opérationnelle et de réponse
- Ultra-low temperature vaccine management
- Introducing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in emergencies
- Introducción a la salud mental y el apoyo psicosocial (SMAPS) en situaciones de emergencia
- Health emergency and disaster risk management for resilient cities
- WHO Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Emergencies
- Modes opératoires normalisés de l’OMS pour les situations d’urgence
- إجراءات التشغيل الموحدة لمنظمة الصحة العالمية في حالات الطوارئ
- Ready4Response Tier 1: Response context and principles
- Ready4Response Nível 1: Contextos e princípios de resposta
- ການສ້າງຄວາມພ້ອມໃນລະດັບທີ 1: ການໂຕ້ຕອບ ແລະ ຫຼັກການ
- Ready4Response Niveau 1 : Contexte et principes de réponse
- المستوى 1 من منهج الاستعداد للاستجابة: سياق الاستجابة ومبادؤها
- Ready4Response Tier 2: Systems, structures and skills
- ການສ້າງຄວາມພ້ອມໃນລະດັບທີ 2: ລະບົບ, ໂຄງສ້າງ ແລະ ທັກສະ
- Ready4Response Niveau 2 : Systèmes, structures et compétences
- المستوى 2 من الاستعداد للاستجابة: النُظم والهياكل والمهارات
- The Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC)
- Центар за дејствување во услови на јавно-здравствени вонредни ситуации (ЦДЈЗВС)
- Le centre d’opérations d’urgence de santé publique (PHEOC)
- Центр по проведению операций при чрезвычайных ситуациях в области общественного здравоохранения (ЦОЧСЗ)
- 公共卫生紧急行动中心 (PHEOC)
- Centro de Operações de Emergência de Saúde Pública (COESP)
- El centro de operaciones en emergencias de salud pública (COESP)
- ຫ້ອງປະຕິບັດງານ ເຫດການສຸກເສີນດ້ານສາທາລະນະສຸກ (PHEOC)
- ePROTECT Ebola (EN)
- ePROTECT Ebola (FR)
- Ebola: GO 2.0
- Ebola : GO 2.0
- Competency-Based Learning: Introduction
- Health Cluster Coordination
- Incident Management System (Tier 1)
- Système de gestion des incidents (Niveau 1)
- نظام إدارة الحوادث – المستوى 1
- Sistema de Gestión de Incidentes (Nivel 1)
- Sistema de Gestão de Ocorrências (Nível 1)
- СУИ Уровень 1 – Работа в Системе управления инцидентами ВОЗ
- IMS Tier 2: Working in WHO’s Incident Management System
- IMS Niveau 2: Travailler dans le système de gestion des incidents de l’OMS
- СУИ Уровень 2 – Работа в Системе управления инцидентами ВОЗ
- IMS Nivel 2: Trabajando dentro del Sistema de Gestión de Incidentes de la OMS
- IMS Nivel 2: Trabalhar no Sistema de Gestão de Ocorrências da OMS
- نظام إدارة الحوادث- المستوى 2
- Introduction: Operational Readiness (Tier 1)
- Introduction : Préparation Opérationnelle (Niveau 1)
- Simulation Exercise Management: Introduction
- Formation en Gestion des Exercices de Simulation : Introduction
- Management and Facilitation of an After Action Review (AAR)
- openHPI
- Management and Facilitation of an After Action Review (AAR)
Scientific and Strategic Talks on COVID-19 Course Series
Universal Health Coverage Course Series
- Phasing Down Dental Amalgam and Implementing Environmentally Sound Practices to Manage Amalgam Waste
- Global competency standards for the provision of health services to refugees and migrants
- WHO Global School on Refugee and Migrant Health, 2023
- Use of Fluoride Varnish to Prevent Dental Caries
- Oral Health Care of Pregnant Women and Newborns
- WHO Global School on Refugee and Migrant Health, 2022
- Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Costing Tool: HPV vaccination module
- HEARTS of NCD: An integrated approach to management of noncommunicable diseases in primary health care
- Interventions for Noncommunicable Diseases in Primary Health Care
- Prevention and management of diabetic foot problems
- Palliative care: Models of service delivery and symptom management
- WHO Global School on Refugee and Migrant Health, 2021
- Latest WHO HIV service delivery and differentiated service delivery for HIV treatment
- WHO Good Reliance Practices
- Les bonnes pratiques de confiance réglementaire de l’OMS
- Las buenas prácticas de confianza regulatoria de la OMS
- Delivering quality health services to refugees and migrants from Ukraine
- Malaria elimination
- Élimination du paludisme
- Eliminación de la malaria
- التخلص من الملاريا
- An integrated approach to building health systems resilience
- African Vaccines Regulatory Forum clinical trials inspections
- Inspection des essais cliniques au Forum africain de réglementation des vaccins (AVAREF)
- Inspeções a ensaios clínicos do Fórum Africano de Regulamentação das Vacinas (AVAREF)
- WHO eLearning Caregiver Skills Training for Families of Children with Developmental Delays or Disabilities
- Ètò è̩kó̩ orí ayélujára ti WHO fún Àmójútó àwo̩n Ìdílé pè̩lú àwo̩n O̩mo̩ tó ní Ìdádúró nípa Ìdàgbàsókè tàbí àwo̩n Àkàndá O̩mo̩
- 沟通 – 疫苗安全基础
- Vaccine Safety Basics
- Les bases de la sécurité des vaccins
- Fundamentos de la Seguridad de las Vacuna
- Основа безопасности вакцин
- Health and peace: Concepts and tools for frontline workers – a course by WHO/EMRO
- الصحة والسلام: مفاهيم وأدوات للعاملين في الخطوط الأمامية – دورة مقدمة من منظمة الصحة العالمية / المكتب الإقليمي لشرق المتوسط
- Promoting oral health in primary health care settings
- تعزيز صحة الفم في أماكن الرعاية الصحية الأولية
- Промовирање на оралното здравје во здравствени установи за примарна нега
- تعجيل التقدم نحو أهداف التنمية المستدامة المرتبطة بالصحة
- Accélérer les progrès vers la santé et le bien-être : Objectif 3 de développement durable
- Acelerar el progreso hacia la salud y el bienestar: Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 3
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