Home Fact Sheet Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2016 Key Indicators Report
The 2016 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) is the fifth Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) conducted in Nepal. It was implemented by New ERA under the aegis of the Ministry of Health (MOH). Data collection took place from June 19, 2016, to January 31, 2017.

Funding for the 2016 NDHS was provided by the United States Agency for International Development(USAID). ICF provided technical assistance through The DHS Program, which assists countries in the collection of data to monitor and evaluate population, health, and nutrition programs.



The primary objective of the 2016 NDHS project is to provide up-to-date estimates of basic demographic and health indicators. Specifically, the 2016 NDHS collected information on fertility levels, marriage, fertility preferences, awareness and use of family planning methods, breastfeeding practices, nutrition, maternal and child health and mortality, awareness and behavior regarding HIV/AIDS, women’s empowerment and domestic violence, and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other healthrelated issues such as smoking, knowledge of tuberculosis, and prevalence of hypertension.
The information collected through the 2016 NDHS is intended to assist policymakers and program managers in the Ministry of Health and other organizations in designing and evaluating programs and strategies for improving the health of the country’s population. The 2016 NDHS also provides indicators relevant to the Nepal Health Sector Strategy (NHSS) – 2016-2021 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Ministry of Health, Nepal; New ERA; and ICF. 2017. Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2016: Key Indicators. Kathmandu, Nepal: Ministry of Health, Nepal.

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