Home Health Financing and Economics National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan (2015-2020)

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National Costed Implementation Plan for Family Planning

This National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan outlines national strategies and interventions that Nepal must adopt to ensure that high quality family planning serves are available and accessible to all Nepali people as well as the resources required to realize this vision. 

In addition, the CIP is intended to serve as a reference document for external development partners including donors and implementing agencies to understand and contribute to the national priorities on family planning outlined in the Plan to ensure coherence and harmonization of efforts in advancing family planning in Nepal. To address the existing challenges and opportunities for scaling up rights-based FP in the country, the CIP focuses on five strategic areas. They are Enabling Environment, Demand Generation, Service Delivery, Capacity Building and Research & Innovation.


Recognizing the need to revive and scale up FP in Nepal, the Government has developed the Costed Implementation Plan (CIP) on FP. The development of the plan has been guided by the strategic directions developed through extensive consultations with relevant stakeholders at national, regional and district levels and is in line with the National Health Sector Program (NHSP III 2015-2020) which is currently being finalized. As did the previous health sector plans (NHSP I and II) the upcoming NHSP III has also recognized FP as a priority, and it is considered as a component of reproductive health package and essential health care services.
The purpose of the CIP is to strengthen the foundation for FP programming and service delivery at national and districts levels as well as to identify the activities to be implemented and resources needed for achieving the results. The CIP clearly defines priorities for strategic actions, delineates the activities and inputs needed to achieve them, and estimates the costs associated with each as a basis for budgeting and mobilizing resources required for implementation at different levels by organizations and institutions over the 2015-2020 period. In addition, CIP is intended to serve as a guide for development partners and implementing agencies on areas of need to ensure the success of the national FP program.
More specifically, it will be used to: 
  • Inform policy dialogue, planning and budgeting to strengthen FP as a priority area 
  • Prioritize strategies on FP to be adopted over the next 6 years.
  • Enable FHD, NHTC, LMD and NHEICC to develop their respective implementation plans with effective, efficient and actionable interventions/activities and timelines identified.
  • Support Government and national partners to understand financial and technical support needs for scaling up FP in the country.
  • Support advocacy efforts for FP with clear messages on impact of FP on health & non health sectors including cost-savings to justify investments.
  • Set benchmarks that can be used by the MoHP and external development partners to monitor and support the national FP programme. 


  • Healthy, happy and prosperous individuals and families through fulfillment of their reproductive and sexual rights and needs 


  • Women and girls – in particular those that are poor, vulnerable and marginalized – exercise informed choice to access and use voluntary FP (through increased and equitable access to quality FP information and services). 

Strategic Action Area and Objectives: 

The Costed Implementation Plan on FP has five strategic areas for action to achieve its objectives in order to scale up FP in the country with a focus on rights of women and girls. 
  1. Enabling Environment:
    Strengthen enabling environment for family planning
    Key Interventions:

    • Increase Advocacy for Family Planning
    • Address legal and socio-cultural barriers to access to FP services for young people and other special groups.
    • Advocate for integration of FP services
    • Promoting task shifting and sharing. 
  2. Demand Generation:
    Increase health care seeking behavior among population with high unmet need for modern contraception
    Key Interventions:

    • Support integration and implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in schools secondary and higher level
    • Reach adolescents with FP messages using innovative approaches.
    • Design, implement and evaluate special programme to increase access and utilization of FP among adolescents and young people
    • Increase knowledge about FP among individuals/couples to facilitate decision – making on contraceptive use. 
    • Reduce socio-cultural barriers to access FP services. 
    • Reduce fear of side effects, myths and misconceptions about FP. 
    • Develop and implement micro-plans for specific groups. 
    • Develop and implement a programme focused on needs for FP among migrants and their spouses. 
    • Develop and implement FP programme targeting hard-to-reach people. 
    • Provide information on FP to women in post-partum and post-abortion period. 
  3. Service Delivery:
    Enhance FP service delivery including commodities to respond to the needs of marginalized, rural residents, migrants, adolescents and other special groups.
    Key Interventions:

    • Improve FP integrated services at FCHV/ Community Level.
    • Improve services at PHC/ORC clinics.
    • Improve services at HP/PHCs, including birthing centers. 
    • Improve services in District Hospitals.
    • Improve services in Zonal and Regional Hospitals.
    • Social marketing. 
    • Support NGOs providing FP services.
    • Support Medical College Teaching Hospitals
    • Strengthen coordination of private sector
    • Improve integration of FP services with other services like immunization, HIV, Postpartum, Post-abortion, morbidities, urban health. 
    • Improve facility recording and reporting.
    • Establish Quality of Care unit. 
    • Improve Quality of Contraceptives. 
    • Strengthen management capacity of FP Officers. 
    • Support contraceptive security
    • Enhance coordination at the central and district levels.  
  4. Capacity Building:
    Strengthen capacity of service providers to expand FP service delivery network
    Key Interventions:

    • Strengthen training on contraceptive technology for service providers.
    • Task-shifting/sharing of Non Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV) training.
    •  Strengthen national FP training capacity
    • Development of pool of FP trainers.
    • Re canalization training, 
    • Strengthen Post training follow up.  
  5. Research and Innovation:
    Strengthen evidence base for effective programme implementation through research and innovations
    Key Interventions: 

    • Generate evidence through operational research, to promote innovations in FP.
      Source : National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan 2015-2020 (Page No. 12-18)
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework : Snapping; Page No. 26 (National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan 2015-2020)


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