Home Conference Kathmandu Declaration on: National Conference on Family Planning 2075

Kathmandu Declaration on: National Conference on Family Planning 2075

by Public Health Update

Kathmandu Declaration on: National Conference on Family Planning 2075: “Reaching the Unreached”

The National Conference on Family Planning (NCFP) planned for March 18-19, 2019 organized by Government of Nepal, Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) and Family Welfare Division (FWD) with the support from the United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA), ADRA Nepal, along with 20 other organizations working on family planning (FP) sector, had 350 participants from all over the country, 30 and above presentations, 28 Poster Presentations and four Plenary Sessions embedded on the important theme “Reaching the Unreached” has been successfully completed.

Internalizing the contributions of family Planning for overall national development, several commitments have been declared which are as follows:

  1. Conducting social mapping to identify the community who do not have access for family planning services and assessing the geographical remoteness to expand the services for targeted beneficiaries through innovative approaches.
  2. Assuring the sexual and reproductive health rights and increasing the investment on family planning services aligning with FP2020 commitments
  3. Strengthening the provincial and local level system in the context of federalism and accordingly restructuring the system of FP service provision
  4. Lobbying for mandatory inclusion of comprehensive sexuality education in the school curriculum.
  5. In partnership and coordination with the local and province level, placement of one nurse in every school for reproductive health service provision
  6. To ensure the reach of FP services among all, expanding the FP services in effective collaboration and partnership with private sectors.



Inaugural Presentation from the Chair


1.Plenary Session 1_Dr. Prakash D PantView/Download
2.Plenary Session 2.1_Kabita AryalView/Download
3.Plenary Session 2.2_Deepak KarkiView/Download
4.Plenary Session 3_Dr. Mahesh Puri and Dr. Aparna SundaramView/Download
5.Plenary Session 4_Dr. Guna Nidhi SharmaView/Download

Family Planning : A Global Handbook for Provider, The 2018 edition

National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan (2015-2020)

Barriers to Family Planning Use in Eastern Nepal: Results from a Mixed Methods Study

Family Planning ”Opportunities, challenges & Priorities in Nepal

Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) Commitment, Nepal

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