The 4th Global Nepali Health Conference is being held in Sydney, Australia during September 16-18, 2022. This is an annual event of the Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRNA).
This conference is the largest gathering of people, stakeholders, organizations who have stakes in the health of Nepali outside and inside Nepal. This conference is the largest gathering of people, stakeholders, organizations who have stakes in the health of Nepali outside and inside Nepal. This conference will bring together health care professionals who manage all major components of health, medical and surgical health professionals, nurses, public health professionals, medical care specialists, paramedics, policy makers, scientists, allied health care workers, health advocates and other professionals associated in ensuring health of Nepali community.
Call For Abstract
4GNHC invites abstracts scholars, researchers, practitioners of medicine, public health, health policy, nursing, health informatics as well as the general public to participate for the 4th Global Nepali Health Conference. We welcome abstracts for contributions that share research findings related to improving and maintaining the health of people of Nepali origin from around the world as well as in Nepal. Research from all disciplines will be considered. Conference organizing committee particularly invite submissions for scientific presentations, symposium/panel discussion and skills building workshops.
Theme: Mental Health For All And Strengthened Healthcare Delivery Systems!
- Health & wellbeing Prevention
- Mental Health for the Vulnerable Group Suicide Prevention
- Chronic Disease Prevention
- Tele-Health
- Public Health
- Heart Disease and Diabetes Prevention & Management
- Women Health
- Children health
- Heath Institutions: Clinics, Health Posts, Hospitals
- Partners of Health
- Determinants of Health
- Prevention of Covid-19
- Treatment & Management of Individuals with Covid-19
- Post-Covid-19 Care and Recovery Support
- Holistic healthcare and Covid-19
- Epidemiology
- Strengthening Laboratory Systems
- Investing Health
- Health Economics
- Health Informatics
- Alternative Medicine including Ayurveda
- Physical Activity and Health
- Nutrition and Health
- Maternal and Child Health
- Geriatrics Health
- Environment & Health
- Health Policy
- Ageing
- Racism and its impact on Health
- Food security and Health
- Housing and Health
- Equitable Vaccine Distribution
- Vaccine Production
- Health Literacy
- Health Education
- Global Health
- Migrant Health
- Health and Safety of Health Professionals, Doctors and Nurses and
- other Impacts of Covid-19 on treatment and care of other health issues or disease.
Invited abstract or proposal for following headings
- Abstract for Scientific Session
- Abstract for Symposium and Panel Discussion
- Proposal for Skills Building Workshops
- Abstract submission: 1st of July 2022
- Notification of acceptance: 15th July 2022
- Conference registration by: 1st August 2022
Please send your abstract or proposal in this email address: [email protected]